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They were late for work the next day. New didn't mind much. He had woken up naked in Tay's arms and that was enough. Who needed work? The temptation to call off work for the day intensified as Tay pressed wet kisses to his back in the shower.

Curse capitalism!

They made it to work 30 minutes to opening time. Half of the morning was spent apologizing to clients about the availability or lack thereof of pastries. When the college crowd came in, they flirted as they always did. But when the closed sign was flipped, they locked themselves in the backroom.

"You make me question my sanity." Tay moaned against his lips as New rubbed his dick through his pants.

"How insane?"

"Much." Tay chuckled. He held him back by the shoulder. "Do you want to do something incredibly insane?"

"Is this not insane enough?" New bit his lower lips. He smiled when Tay's hooded eyes followed the movement of his lips.

"I'm thinking unhinged."

His hand moved slowly against Tay's clothed dick. "Uh-huh, I'm listening."

He moaned. Brushed unruly bangs from New's face. "I found the key card to my dad's penthouse in my bag the other day. I was thinking we'd go there and live like kings for one night."

New's hands froze. A penthouse was not really his scene. His insecurities were returning. Tay cupped his face and kissed him soundly on the lip. "Just a little rebellion against the system"

"This is a 'fuck you' to the system?" New asked and Tay nodded. "I love fucking the system." He slipped his fingers into Tay's hair. Pulled him in for a thorough kiss. "I also enjoy fucking the son of the system." He breathed. "So yeah, I'm in."


Tay handed New's car keys to the valet. He ushered New into the building with a hand on the small of his back. He strode through the doors, nodding politely to the workers. They seemed to recognize him. New followed Tay's lead, keeping his back straight and smiling along. His shoulders sagged once the private elevator closed behind them.

"That was tiring," New complained. He crowded Tay against the wall and kissed him. "You looked like a different person out there. That was hot." He kissed Tay again.

"It's hard to reconcile this horny monster with this innocent face."

"Do you not like it?" New started to draw away.

Tay gripped his waist and pinned him to the spot. He pressed a kiss to New's temple. "Can you not feel me?" he yanked New closer. He gasped at the feel of Tay's erection against his. Tay took his lips and kissed them softly. He bit into the lower lip. "I'm only better at controlling myself. I'm just as into you as you are into me, if not more."

The elevator stopped at their floor.

"I doubt that."

The door opened to what was the most beautiful place New has ever been. The system was so fucking rich. He barely had the time to appreciate the space. Tay kissed along his neck and his back. He turned in his arms and kissed him, smiling when frantic fingers undid his pants.

They were stark naked before they reached the bedroom. It didn't take long for Tay to inch slowly into him. Skin slapping against skin. Their moans overtook the whole penthouse. They fell into the sheets, spent. Tay pressed a soft kiss to New's sweaty forehead as he drifted into sleep.

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