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Tay was at the shop before New arrived the next day.

"No more strikes," he greeted with a smile. "We've got an hour. You promised to show me how to make donuts."

"Good morning to you too," New yawned. The neighbor's dogs barked throughout the night. He didn't get a wink of sleep. He opened the shop, making a mental note to get the key duplicated on the weekend. So that Tay wouldn't have to stand in the cold like this.

By the time the donuts were in the oven, Tay was a mess. He looked like he had a bag of flour emptied over his head. New pulled him behind the counter. He cleaned him up, fixing his gaze to Tay's glabella to avoid eye contact.

"Thanks," Tay smiled. He was too close. "You're good at this."

Heat crawled up New's neck. "It's just donuts, it's nothing important."

"I've had donuts. None have been this good."

"Okay." New rasped. He stepped back. "I mean, Uhm thanks. I—," he should stop talking now. "like that you like donuts." he shook his head. Somebody stop him. "that came out wrong. Just, thank you." He was disgusted with himself. He turned away, cringing.


The afternoon crowd tripled. And it was no question why. Tay Tawan Vihokratana. Apparently, a video of him serving coffee and 'being hot' (not his words) had gone viral. Before 3 in the evening, they were sold out of everything. New had never achieved that before. He had never had to close his shop at 3 either.

"At least he's good for business," Earth said. New had excused himself to the back room to talk to his friend.

"I know." He grumbled. "But Earth, you should see the ladies."

Earth sighed. "Come on, Thitipoom don't tell me you still like him."

"I don't—He's—," he gave up. Shrugged. "You should see him. He is a different person now."

"That man treated you like shit."

"I know, I know." He dropped his forehead to the cold wall. "I remember. He's—just so handsome. I turn into a blubbering mess in his presence."

"I can't tell you what to do but please be careful. These rich folks use people as they see fit. I don't know what his deal is. I don't trust him."

"Yes, mum."

"Get off my line, idiot." Earth chuckled before he dropped the call.

Tay was at a table when New came out of the backroom. His back was straight and he stared at his hands laid carefully on the table.

New frowned. He walked toward him, loosening his apron strings. "I'm so sorry. I thought I told you we were closed for the day."

"You did. Off is running a little late."

"By how many minutes?"

He checked his watch. "About 8 hours. He has other engagements. I didn't think we'd close this early."

Don't do it Thitipoom! "I could drop you off. "New silenced the voice in his head. Tay's responding smile made it worth it. He pulled the apron over his head. "I'll need to stop by the electronic shop on the way. I hope you don't mind."

"Am I allowed to ask what for?"

"Noise-canceling headphones." He replied. For reasons unknown to him, he added, "The neighbor's dogs didn't let me sleep last night. Earplugs didn't work." He sighed tiredly. "I'm running on no sleep." He hang his bag over his shoulder and headed for the door.

"I thought you looked different today."

New paused. He glanced at Tay over his shoulders. "Different?"

"You looked tired."

Damn this man! New touched his face. He thought he looked quite alright. "Ah, I see."

"I wouldn't worry my head about it. You look stunning all the same."

New tripped on his own foot only lightly. He said nothing. He closed up and sat in his car. He didn't look at Tay when he turned the keys in the ignition. It started as a silent ride. New would've loved to keep it that way. But of course, Tay didn't.

"I like dogs." He said.

That was random. New frowned. "O—kay?"

"I miss my dog, Khaotung. I left her at home." New didn't know what to say to that. Thankfully, Tay spoke up again, "I have some noise-canceling headphones at the apartment. I could give you one." He wrinkled his nose with a sneaky smile, "Jumpol snores."

"You don't have to."

Tay brought his hand to New thighs. He almost veered off the road. "I insist. You've been kind to me. It is the least I can do."

New would argue more. But Tay's hands on his thighs, though innocent, was disorienting. He gulped, "Okay thanks."

Tay leaned back into his seat with a smile. The spot where the hands lay felt cold and empty.


Upon Tay's insistence, New parked his 2016 Yaris in the building's underground garage. It stood out amongst a fleet of luxury cars he was too poor to identify. He hid in the corner of the elevator as they rode up to the 21st floor.

The apartment looked like something you'd see in a home depot catalog. All clean surfaces and white walls. It lacked substance and the feeling of being lived in. There was just one photo of a smirking man hanging above the 40 inch TV. New stopped to stare at it.

"That's Off," Tay said. "He's not as handsome in real life," he added.

New nodded for a lack of response. He looked around. "So—where are your photos?" he asked.

"I don't think Off would like my pictures hanging around his apartment. Do you want something to drink? There's water, wine, and whisky."

New blinked. Was he joking? He seemed serious. "Just water, please."

"Good choice," he smiled as he backtracked to the kitchen. He returned with a bottle of water. "Make yourself comfortable while I go grab the headphones."

New nodded but kept standing. How could he make himself comfortable in a space like this? He felt out of place. He feared he would soil the white couches with his peasant hands.

The likes of you.

"The likes of you," Tay said as he walked back into the living room.

New choked on the water. "What?" he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

Tay stopped before him. His eyes were confused. He was standing too close again. "Are you okay? I said I hope this is to your liking." he held the headphones out to New.

Geez, Thitipoom! Talk about trauma.

The headphones looked expensive. He was tempted to refuse it. However, he accepted it with a smile. Tay's eyes went wide. He leaned forward and gawked.

"Tay?" New eyed him.

He shook his head. "Forgive me, it's just, you look quite different when you smile. More handsome." He ducked his head. Rubbed his nape. "Sorry if that was too forward, you took me by surprise."

If New could get any hotter he'd melt into a puddle on the floor. Tay Tawan just called him 'more handsome'. He looked down at his feet. "Thanks," he squeaked. "I'd like to Uhm— beg my leave now."

Jesus, Thitipoom. What the hell is 'beg my leave'?

Minutes later, he was banging his head against the steering wheel. He died a little more inside every time he remembered. Beg my leave? What was Tawan doing to him? He pulled up his best friend's number.

"Earth," He said into the phone. "I'm in trouble."

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