A Downwards Slope

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Y/n's POV

I opened my eyes after what felt like ten minutes. I was running...no it wasn't me. It was Carnage. It felt almost like it did with Venom-


"I didn't even say anything."


"Wait...you're father? You were made from-"

"YES. And I will be his ending."

We never stopped. Carnage was ripping people to shreds as we ran on. I couldn't help but think of what I had done...I turned away the two who really cared about me. As we moved farther away from my apartment I realized where we were headed. The office. Carnage ducked into an alleyway and went back inside my body.

"What are we doing here?" My body started moving on it's own. It was walking towards the front door. As we got to the door Richy was working the night shift. My hand waved to him.

You have a special report to make tomorrow, since Brock refuses to be there. Now do what I tell you or I will kill you both. 

"Oh hey y/n what are you doing coming by so late?"

I recited the words as Carnage growled them out in my head.

"Well you know how I have been working with the police force? They want me to speak to Cleatus Kasidy before his execution tomorrow and to record his final words for an article. The detective issued me a phone to use for these kind of things but I'm pretty sure I left it in the office. I forgot my key card though would you please let me in?" Richy nodded and wished me luck as he led me to the elevators.

When we got to the top, Carnage walked me to my office looking for the phone.

"Why do I need this. And why do I have to do this?"

Kasidy will explain tomorrow.

Eddie's POV


"Hey now why are you pissed at me? Y/n is the one who didn't want us anymore."

She was not HERSELF. Our Nibble loves us and for her to turn us away when something is clearly wrong! We shouldn't have left her.

"Oh yeah? Well tell that to the one who just told us to leave. She doesn't want us anymore V we just have to face the fact that it wasn't meant to be."

So you are just going to let her walk out on us. This is just like with Anne.

"How fucking dare you."

No YOU didn't belive her. She was telling us something and you didn't belive her. We need to go back over there and listen to her. Something was wrong and I know it.

"No we are not going back. If she wanted us there she wouldn't have kicked us out. She doesn't care anymore."


I felt a lurch in my body as Venom pulled himself away from me and out the window. There was a scream downstairs before it turned into Venom's voice.

"I will help her because she needs me! Fuck you Eddie."

And with that yell my brand new bike got sent into the wall before Venom ran off.


As we wondered the streets I kept my hood up. I could feel my self getting a bit weaker.

"Listen if you and Kassidy want me to do whatever the fuck he has in store for me tomorrow, I need fuel just like you do. You need to let me eat something or else it's not going to go well."

I could feel Carnage's annoyance.

Fine. I will allow you this...you are important to our plans. Your vessel is more...sustainable than others. Feed.

"You were most likely not in symbiosis with the...others. I can tell that we are not fully compatible...but I can also tell you are keeping me alive for whatever plan you and Kassidy have."

I walked to a near by convince store not even realizing where I was going.

"Oh Y/N you must be feeling better. I'm glad to see that. Thankfully the police got everything sorted out so I can stay open."

I jerked my head up to see Mrs. Chen. I put on a fake smile

"Oh yeah. I just have been a bit over my head these days. I'm taking a few days off work."

If you give her the idea that anything is wrong I will kill her.

"No you can't do that!" Mrs. Chen gave me a confused look. "Sorry heh you know how V is about his chocolate. I would have never thought he would be affected by my hormones but here we are." She laughed.

I quickly grabbed some snacks and paid for them before heading out letting Carnage take over on directions as I ate. Once I finished he took complete control and ran towards the prison, stopping at a nearby hotel. He let my body out again controlling me as I paid in cash for a room.

We will stay here until morning.

As he spoke he pooled out a bit to look me in the face.

You spoke of symbiosis. How do you know we are semi compatible.

"I'll explain as long as you don't get pissy with me."

He growled.

"I figured we have to be at least a little bit compatible since you came from...well Venom. Not to long ago we figured out that my body was compatible with him. But from what I have noticed, it's been draining having you here. So that's all I know."

He nodded.

Rest. We will leave soon after dawn to refuel and then in the afternoon I will take you to Kassidy

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