45. "Don't complain."

3 0 0

"Havoc?" A voice snapped me out of my daze, earning a small head shake from me to zone back in.

"Oh, sorry Carlos, you lost me for a second," I giggled as he chuckled and looked over at Aaron who was bickering with Cami.

"We're ready to go, everything's in the trunk," He nodded as I smiled.

"Thanks for letting us stay at your cabin, it's going to be amazing," I thanked him as he shrugged before sliding his hands in the pockets of his hoodie.

"Don't worry about it, it's the least I could do. Besides, it feels refreshing to be around a different group of people," He chuckled, his green eyes showing sincerity.

"Speaking of, have you heard from Damon at all? I haven't seen him since his party some time ago," I questioned as he raised a brow.

"He's alright, he's been visiting some family in San Francisco for personal reasons and has been doing everything online."

"That makes sense. I hope he's okay," I said genuinely as Carlos laughed.

"Don't let Romano hear you, he'll throw a tantrum," He snickered.

"You don't have to tell me twice," I laughed before rolling my eyes.

I felt a small drop of water fall onto my face before looking up at the dark clouds above us.

"Hey," Carlos said before looking at me seriously, "He really cares about you, you know? Always keep that in mind," He said solemnly as I shot him a questioning stare.

"Keep that in mind? What—"

Aaron groaned loudly, walking over to the car and opening the driver's door.
"All right, let's get out of here."

Carlos nodded and walked over to the passenger seat in front, leaving Cami and me in the back. She squealed excitedly as Aaron pulled out into the road and rain slowly started pouring.

"Well this is shitty weather for the jacuzzi," Carlos muttered before Cami shot her head up.

"Jacuzzi?" She asked with a grin on her face.

"Down, tiger," Her boyfriend burst out laughing before she shot her middle finger up.
I laughed at how adorable they were before noticing a small grin on Aaron's face.

"How long's the drive?" I asked as his icy blue eyes peered at me from the rear-view mirror.

"About two hours," He said as I nodded tiredly.

"You and I have a lot to talk about missy," Cami said authoritatively, hinting at me by shooting a quick look at Aaron.

I nodded and laughed at her before gathering my hair and tying it. I watched as Aaron's jet black hair whipped in the wind due to the car speeding.
My attention was brought back to Cami who was jumping over the center console and quickly sat on Carlos' lap, smiling widely.


"Jesus Christ, get a room," Aaron rolled his eyes, earning a chuckled from me.

"Watch your tongue, Romano," Carlos poked back with a smile on his face, making his friend snicker.

"Let's not forget that you and Havoc both had that little incident at the beach, you have no right to judge," Cami grinned, making my eyes widen.

"You— you heard that?" I asked in a slight panic.

"You two were being pretty loud," Carlos laughed as Cami nodded.

"It's not my fault she couldn't keep her voice down," Aaron grinned, earning a scoff from me.

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