Chapter 1

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It was spring, you always hated spring. The season meant pollen, a few heart breaks, and if course the anniversary of your fathers death. It had been two years, and every year it seemed somewhat easier but not much.

The year was 2014, and you were on your way to work at S.H.I.E.L.D. It was a sunny bright day, you were on the highway lost in thoughts while the radio played, Basket Case by Green Day; when out of no where a guy in all black and a silver metal arm jumped from the highway above you and onto the hood of your car.

"Shit. How the hell will I pay for this." You exclaimed looking at the massive dent that was just made into your red 2004 Buick Century. The car was S.H.I.E.L.D.'s undercover vehicle from your last mission.

You looked up at him, he was pointing his gun at something behind the car. You looked back and saw Natasha Romanova and Steve Rogers, and a new guy you had never seen before. You just didn't know what was going on; you just wanted to get to work, you enjoyed working. You were an agent that uncovered hydra people in the world, bringing them to justice, nothing extreme, but you knew nothing on what was going on at this moment, but you did trust Steve. You exited the vehicle and held your gun up to the guy with the metal arm.

"Sir, I ask you put the gun down; you are under arrest." You tried to sound confident when you confronted the man, but you were quite terrified.

He jumped off the hood of the car, his face was covered by a mask so you could not get a good look, he picked you up with the metal arm, tossing you to side. You slammed into the side of the concrete highway, you felt warm liquid trickle down your neck; it took you a minute to get back up. You touched the spot on the back of your head and examined your fingers seeing crimson red, ignoring the throbbing in your head you looked over at Rogers, Romanova, and the new guy with wings; they were all trying to get this guy to back down. Some military vehicles arrived to help out, but the metal arm guy put up a fight. Rogers and Romanova got him to get off the highway and away from pedestrians. You stayed out of harms way just helping the few people left on the highway get to safety.

At some point the mask fell off the guy and you heard Cap say "Bucky?" 

To which the guy responded "Who the hell is Bucky?," as Bucky goes to shoot at Steve. The Wing guy flies in and kicks Bucky aside, Bucky takes aim again but before he can shoot Romanova uses the grenade launcher Bucky dropped earlier to shoot at Bucky who vanishes in the smoke of the explosion, then the three hear sirens after which they are surrounded by hydra agents, the three were taken into hydra custody.

A/N sorry its short it takes place in Winter Solider and I wanted to give you a background story for how you first met Bucky Barnes

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