" formality "

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Allison's pov : I'm driving home and can't get the events of tonight out of my head. I had to watch my aunt Kate torture Derek and show me all about him and tell me about the werewolves.

I then get pulled over it was stiles dad. "Allison?" He asked. " you all right?" He asked. "Yeah, sorry I was going so fast, I didn't realize.. I .. I.." I started crying like a real wimp. Come on Allison you're better and stronger than this just stop crying.

"Oh, no. uh.. okay, all right. Listen you weren't going that fast just 75 in a 25, in a construction zone." He said softly. "Im not crying to get out of the ticket. I just, um.. I don't want you to think I'm like this." I breathed out trying to clear my head. "No, it's okay, perfectly okay. It's-" he started to say. "No, please, write me a ticket. I need you to write me a ticket, okay?" I breathed out.

"Okay. I don't see how that's gonna really make you feel a lot better." He said confused. I then started to cry again, " it's so humiliating. I swear I'm not like this." I breathed out. " I understand " he said. " this is.. This isn't me! " I yelled banging on the steering wheel. I then cleared my throat, "I'm okay." I said he then nodded his head and asked " do I still have to write you a ticket?" I then breathed out.

After I went home I went back out with my bow and arrow. I'm not just some little scared girl, who's weak. It's time I show it.

Scott's pov: when I first woke up, Deaton welcomed me back and said I should rest. That's when the door shut, Deaton went to the front to see who it was. I could her the alpha looking for me.

"Mountain ash.. that's an old one." I heard him say. I then heard something smash into the wall, that's when I heard Deaton say "let me be as clear as possible. We. Are. Closed." He then started talking to me, basically saying that he can turn Allison.

- later on that day -
Me and stiles were in my bedroom looking for my phone. I told him about how the alpha is trying to get to Allison to find Derek. I need my phone. I then overheard my mom crying. It was the worst feeling ever. I caused that.

- next day-
" what do you mean I can't go to the formal?" I asked coach. "McCall, you're failing my class and two others. They told me to cut you from the team, I told them I'd sooner cut off my last remaining testicle than cut my best player." Coach said patting my back.

" so the compromise is I can't go to the dance?" I asked. "Yeah." - " then I quit the team." - "no you don't. And if you show up at the dance and I see you there, I'm gonna drag you out by your teeth." Coach said. I found stiles and told him what happened, we went to Jackson and talked to him.

"So you want me to take her to the formal?" He asked. " I don't want you to, I need you too." - "screw you. You know what, screw you too. In fact, screw each other." Jackson spat. "Hey you know he saved your life, right?" Stiles said. "He left me for dead." Jackson stated.

"I got shot for you." - " oh yeah? Show me the bullet wound." Jackson said. "You know it healed." - "convenient." - "just do it for Allison, okay? She's in serious danger. I'm talking around the clock danger. And she needs someone to keep an eye on her at the dance." I stated. "Just have her dad do it, okay? He's the one actually equipped to handle this."

"How am I supposed to do that and keep him from finding out about me?" I asked. "Not my problem." He said trying to walk away. I slammed my hand in front of him blocking his way. "You're her friend, too. You are. All that time you spent with her to get to me, you can't tell me that you didn't get to know her and like her. It's Allison. It's impossible not to like her. You can't tell me that you don't care if she gets hurt." I spat.

"What if I get hurt?" - " then it's worth it." - "not to me." He stated pushing past us. " well I shouldn't say I told you so, cause it's not strong enough. How about I'm always right, and you should listen to whatever I have to say and never disagree, ever, ever, for the sake of your wolflihood?" Stiles said.

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