" code breaker "

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Stiles pov: " no I'm not just letting you leave them here." - "oh, stiles. you don't really have a choice, you're coming with me." The alpha stated. "Just kill me! Look, I don't care anymore." I spat.

The alpha then came over to me and lifted me up. "Call your friend. Tell Jackson where this one is. That's all you get. To ensure you'll help me, the other comes with." He stated. I pulled out my phone and called Jackson.

As long as I know that they're both being taken care of (sort of) it'll be fine. Elena was laying in the backseat of my jeep, I was scared shitless what's gonna happen to her? What's happening to Lydia? Are they gonna be okay? She needs a hospital.

" don't feel bad, if they live.. they'll become a werewolf." He stated watching Elena, looking lifeless. "Elena needs to go to the hospital, okay? She needs help!" I spat. he rolled his eyes, " like I said, if she lives.. she'll be a werewolf. She'll be powerful." He stated.

Allison's pov : I exited the bus in disbelief, I felt like I was gonna pass out, this can't be happening. My dad caught me before I dropped to the floor, and took me home. Later while my aunt Kate and dad were talking downstairs, my mom was upstairs packing my stuff. I guess I'm supposed to go to Washington. After all I seen, they want to just pack me up and ship me out for my " protection ".

What I need is answers, and I definitely wasn't getting them from my mom or dad. But I knew Aunt Kate would say something. We were loaded into the car. " you know you can't do this without me. You're not gonna find him on your own." Kate spoke to my father. He ignored her and looked at me. "We're gonna talk about everything, I promise." I looked at him. " call me when you get there." He said while giving me a half smile and backing away from the car. We then drove off.

Stiles pov : we then drove in a parking garage. I got out the door and tried to open the back door to check on elena when he pulled me away from the car. He then took me to another car not to far. He grabbed the keys from his pocket and unlocked the car.

"whos car is this?" i asked. " it belonged to my nurse" he stated while reaching to open the trunk. I began to ask him what had happened to his nurse but then seen my answer. She was dead in the trunk holding onto a computer bag. I couldn't help but think if Elena didn't get help she'll also be in the back of my car, dead. He looked at me, then back at his trunk and said " I got better" while shutting it.

Allison's pov: We were now on the road, Kate hasn't said a word.. yet. I leaned up against the car window and just stared out it. Wishing I could talk to Scott, wishing none of this happened. I kept replying his words over and over in my head : "because I love you."

Stiles pov : " turn it on get connected." The alpha said while opening his Mac book. "Look, you still need Scott's password and username and I'm sorry but I don't know them." I stated. "You know both of them." He spat. " no, I don't." I stated.

"Even if I couldn't hear your heartbeat, I would still be able to tell that you're lying." He said calmly. "Dude, I swear to God-" my head was then being slammed onto the car. "I can be very persuasive stiles... don't make me persuade you."

- back at the hospital -
" where's Lydia huh? Where is she ?" Jackson asked holding his neck. He then finds Lydia laying in a hospital bed. "Hey hey! What the hell happened to that girl?" The sheriff asked Jackson. "I- I don't know, I went out looking for-" Jackson started to say until the sheriff interrupted.

"What you just happened to wander into the middle of that field and you just found her like that? Don't lie to me, son!" The sheriff spat. " no- I -" Jackson stuttered. Sheriff then grabbed him and threw Jackson against the wall. " what happened to her?!" He yelled. " this isn't my fault! " Jackson shouted back. " she's your girlfriend! That's your responsibility!" Sheriff screamed.

   The Teen Wolf.. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat