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As I was leaving the school I got a text from an unknown number.


U/N: Hey, so you coming over tonight? 

Y/n: Erm... who is this?

U/N: Y/n, it's me! I have to have texted you before.

Y/n: Well maybe you have but your number is coming up as unknown so if you could spread a little light on the situation maybe I will come over.

U/N: Take a wild guess. I got your number from Julie, and I have to say, it wasn't the most comfortable conversation.

Y/n: Carrie? 

U?N: Yeah, so you coming? We are getting our costumes sized and it would be great if you came :) It would also give you a chance to get to know the girls a little better.

Y:n: Yeah, I'll come. Send me the address and I'll be over.

U/N: Address? No. Look up, you're riding with me.

I looked up to see Carrie standing by a slick black car, smiling and waving me over. "Come on!" She laughed as I threw my bag over my shoulder and ran over to her. She opened the door and climbed in the car, me closely after her. As soon as I pulled the door closed we started moving, I gazed around the black interior before I looked out the window again to see the beach edging further away.

"Does your dad know where he is going? I think there is only one house up here and its Trevor Wilson's." I laughed, turning to Carrie.

"Yes," Carrie laughed at me, "The driver isn't my dad, he's a worker. And I live up here. You know... Carrie Wilson?" She hinted at me. No way. I knew she was rich but I didn't know she was this rich. Her dad is Trevor Wilson?! This was crazy. I was actually going to be stepping foot in the house of one of the most famous singers in Malibu.

The car came to a halt and Carrie climbed out as I gazed out the window. "You coming?" She asked as she walked past my open window. I grabbed my bag and ran out of the car to catch up with her. Mesmerized by the house I was walking up to, I struggled to catch up to Carrie as she walked to the front door. "Hey wait up!" I yelled.

"Slow poke." She replied as she opened the door to reveal the mansion that sat behind it.

My mouth fell open as I dropped my bag by the door, turning to admire everything. The plaques on the walls, the poster of a larger then life size Trevor watching over the stairs. "Come on y/n, I know that the mansion is impressive and all, but I'll give you a tour later." Carrie told me, taking a hold of my shoulders to shake me back into reality, "But right now, we have to go get our costumes!" She squealed, grabbing my hand and running up the stairs. 

She ran into a studio that went into three different rooms; a recording studio, a dance studio and a normal lounge area. "Whoa" I whispered as I sat on the sofa next to the racks of fabric. Rows of material and sewing machines sat on the desk at the other side of the room and I heard Carrie shout someone's name before someone came out from the dance studio.

"Y/n, this is Terri. She is our designer and choreographer and she will be helping with costumes." Carrie smiled as Terri waved at me. I waved back, still in shock from the fact I was friends with Trevor Wilson's daughter. Carrie stared talking to Terri about colours and vibrancy of the costumes while I went into the recording studio and started to fiddle with the workstation.

 As I hovered my fingers over the board Carrie came and stood in the doorway. "Cool right?" She asked walking up to me.

"Yeah. " I laughed, looking up at her. She was gazing to the mic, almost looking solemnly at it. "Hey, you okay?"

"What? Oh yeah." She replied, "Me and my dad used to come in here and record the demos for some of his first albums when I was younger. My voice would even be kept in some of the limited edition albums." She laughed, going to sit on the stool in the booth. She placed the headphones on her ears and I turned on the switch so I could hear her through the mic.

"Once he had stopped recording his first album, I didn't sing with him so much anymore and he wasn't around much. He started disappearing and he would be up late listening to his own music. Almost like it was guilting him. It got so bad that he had to start talking to a therapist weekly, and now he can even talk to him two or three times a day." I saw a tear start to form in her eye and I spoke softly through the sound board. "I- I'm sorry".

As the words left my mouth, Carrie looked up again and smiled sincerely. "It's okay, everyone has there baggage." She chuckled, wiping her cheeks. "Anyway.. Yes, Terri?" She looked up and saw Terri standing at the door and masked her sadness.

"Just came to get y/n." She smiled, "Need your preference. Carrie, wanna come along?" She chuckled.

"Yeah, we'll be right through." I told her. Carrie took off the headset and come out of the booth. I took her hand and squeezed it, smiling at her as a subtle way to reassure her that I was there and it was all okay. 

Terri started showing me fabrics and stitching to assemble my costume and Carrie helped me with my decisions. I ended up choosing blue fabric and helped with stitching the material. Once Terri took the main fabric me and Carrie went into the dance studio and started to think of the choreography for 'Wow'.

While, coming up with the dance, I stopped for a moment, "Hey. Where are the other girls? I thought you said we were all going to be here so I could get to know them better."

"Oh.. erm, they're coming later. I just kind of wanted to get to know you alone, you know? Try to make you feel more comfortable. Also, seeing your reaction to who my dad was was just something I had to see." She laughed.

"Well, thanks I guess." I laughed and we continued to dance.


When the other girls arrived, me and Carrie had worked on the choreography and all we had to do was teach it to the others. I got along great with the other girls and I felt that I was really going to be comfortable. When the girls left I ended up staying with Carrie as her dad still wasn't home.

"Hey y/n!" She smiled as she ran over to the other side of the counter I was standing behind in the kitchen. "I was wondering, since the rally is tomorrow and you're already here, wanna stay over? I don't know if my dad is going to be home till late and I'd rather not be home alone."

"I would love to but... I don't have anything I need, clothes, toothbrush?"

"Oh, don't worry about that. I have stuff you can wear." She giggled. 

"Okay," I smiled.

"Okay, cool. We can sleep in the den tonight so we can wait for my dad. I'll go set up a movie, popcorn is in the cupboard, can you make it, please?" She trailed off and looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah, okay." I laughed, "But don't choose anything too cheesy!" I yelled after her.

Carrie prepared a shirt for me to wear that night and an outfit for the next day before we settled down in the den. That night we spent watching movies and raiding the kitchen but we didn't sleep much. Carrie's dad didn't get in until 3 am and she doesn't like to go to sleep without checking he is okay, but I didn't mind. I was used to the late nights and time flied with Carrie. It was like we had been friends for years, it just came so naturally.


Hey! So I had quite a lot of fun writing this chapter because I got to develop a bit on Carrie's personality and it can help set up for finding out more about your character and the relationship that will develop between y/n and Carrie. I wasn't sure about this story idea at first but I'm glad people are liking it so far :))


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