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The sound of Nick's electric guitar filled the music room as he stood by Mrs Harrison. As he played, Carrie was filling me in on everything I needed to know about high school. As the last few notes of Nick's solo bounced off of the walls, the class erupted in applause and cheers. 

"Okay, we have one last performance. Julie?" Mrs Harrison stepped forward and motioned Julie towards the front of the class. I saw her tremble when her name was uttered, and she kept her eyes fixed on the ground, unaware of the people staring her down. The reason she had stopped making her music must have been life altering. Her confidence seem to flow through her when she introduced herself, but it was like she had been wiped of the courage. Covered with a blanket of anxiety. She sat at the piano and took a deep breath. One last glance towards Mrs Harrison as she smiled in support. As her fingers brushed the keys she stood abruptly.

"Is this when we clap?" Carrie giggled, looking to me. Her personality seemed to change in a matter of seconds when it came to Julie. 

"I'm sorry." Julie uttered as she ran from the room, flustered. I tried to jump forward and chase after Julie, but my hand was grabbed be Carrie. "I'm sorry," She said. "Please stay." She smiled at me, expecting me to sit down again but I couldn't. "I'm not the person you should be saying sorry to." I told her as I broke from her grasp.


After school, I collapsed on my bed, thankful to just be home in one piece. I thought moving to another school would be easier, but I just felt overwhelmed. Meeting Julie and Carrie in the same day. The mix of their personalities clashing but the kindness I received from both of them welcoming me in a way. At least I didn't have to perform my piece for another two weeks. If I wanted to be in that program I had to show my worth, maybe I could get Julie to help me rehearse. Maybe even help get some of her music back to her. 

----------Texts between Julie---------

Y: Hey Jules, I just wanted to say thankyou for today. If it wasn't for you I would have been stuck with that combo all day!

J: Hey y/n! Glad I could help hahah, thankyou for coming to see me before. It really helped.

Y: Don't worry about it! Anything I can do to help I won't hesitate. :)

Y: Hey, you know how you can write your own songs?

J: Yeah :)

Y: I know you are a bit conscious with music, and I don't want to put you out of your comfort zone, but could you help me with my piece I need to perform?

J: I would love to! I think it would be just the thing to start getting to know you :) And anyways, I'll do anything to help out a friend (also you can do the playing heheheh ;)

Y: Thankyouuu :P


The next day, I walked into school, expecting to see Julie and Flynn at the lockers but I didn't find them. Instead, I was met with Carrie. "Hey Y/n." She smiled as she leant on the locker next to mine. "Yes?" I asked, still a little irked from her comment yesterday.

"So, me and the girls are getting our costumes fit for the rally tomorrow and one of the dancers dropped out. So.. I thought, who would be perfect to dance with me  and guess who popped into my head?"

"Oh my god. Hmmmmmm, I'm so stumped." I joked, closing my locker.

"You." She said with a smile, pointing her finger at me. "So, what do you say?"

"Well, I never would have guessed. I guess I can clear my very busy schedule to dance with you Carrie but only on one condition."


"You need to go a week, or more, without letting out a few harsh comments. Because if I'm going to be friends with 'the popular girl' then she is not going to be rude on my watch." I laughed, backing away from her and smiling.

"Me? Rude?" Carrie started to put up a wall but when she saw I was smiling she laughed. "Okay, okay I'll try" she surrendered as I walked away from her. Maybe I could help her become a better person. Lifting her up and being a real friend to her. A support system. Seems she needed one...


Okay, so this chapter is something i really have been wanting to write all day and I don't even know if it really works, fits, or if I even truly like it. Right now I'm not staying in my own place where I get my inspiration so it's a bit more difficult for me to write in the way I usually do, so once I get comfortable again, I will most likely be rewriting this chapter. Tell me what you think of it though.
-Zoe :)

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