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I sighed as I walked over to my new locker. Hopefully it was the right number, I'd only ever seen the school once before so I didn't really memorize anything. As I stared down at the number written on my palm, I occasionally glanced up to the wall making sure I wasn't going to bump into anyone. I finally got to where I needed to be and tried the combination I had typed into my phone. Damn it. It didn't work.

I had been struggling to figure out my combo for about 5 minutes when another girl walked by. She was dressed in blue jeans and a white shirt, covered with a red flannel shirt. She had a red cap on too that shielded her eyes just enough so that she could keep her eyes fixated on the floor. Luckily her locker was next to mine. I saw her gaze move to my struggling hands and she paused for a moment.

"Erm.. do you.. want some help with that?" She asked, signalling to the lock.

"Yeah, thanks" I laughed, handing her my phone with the combination displayed on the screen. After she fumbled for a moment the locker swung open and she handed my phone back to me.

"But- How?" I stuttered as I looked in amazement at the swinging door.

"You had swapped the first two numbers" She laughed, returning to her place. "I'm Julie by the way."

"Er- Y/n. That's me!" I laughed, still in awe. "Nice to know one person here at least."

"Soon to be two." I heard her mutter as another girl approached us. She was wearing a holographic jacket paired with black denim shorts, folders in hand. "Hey underachiever" She smiled, walking up to Julie.

"Hey disappointment!" Julie retaliated, "This is y/n."

"Hi" I sheepishly waved my hand at her.

"Cool! I'm Flynn, Julie's best friend. How.. do you guys know each other?"

"Oh, we just met. Yeah Julie saved me from a locker mishap" I laughed.

"Well, any friend of Julie's, new or old, is a friend of mine," She smiled at me and then turned to Julie, "Now, I know you don't want me to ask but have you figured out what you're gonna do today?"

"I'll know in the moment."

"Can.. someone fill me in here?" I asked, confused.

"Jules over here has one last chance before she isn't allowed in the music program for revoking the world of her voice. She hasn't played a single note for a full year." Flynn told me.

"Wow, I can't imagine not playing for a year, that's some dedication." I joked, but the girls just looked down, "Oh, I'm sorry did I say something wrong?"

"No, not at all." Julie smiled.

I put the last of my things in my locker and grabbed my bag as I closed the door. I made sure to update the password in my phone so I didn't get locked out again and as I looked up, the girls were looking at someone handing out flyers.

"Ugh. What is she handing out?" Flynn groaned.

"Desperation?" Julie jokingly asked as a blonde girl wearing a pink skirt and jacket combo walked over, flyers in hand. I could tell that the girls didn't like her, I wasn't sure why.

"Here you go. My group's performing at the spirit rally tomorrow. I'm sure you guys have nothing better to do." She said, handing a flyer to Julie and Flynn. Okay, that was a bit harsh. Maybe she isn't as nice as she comes off to be.

"Oh my gosh, Carrie. Thanks!" Flynn sarcastically replied.

"Oh my gosh, Flynn. Don't bother coming!" She chuckled before she turned to me.

"Hi" She beamed, "I'm Carrie, and you are..?" She trailed on, inquiring my name while handing me a flyer from her stack. 

"I'm y/n." I said with confidence, taking the flyer from her hand, from what I had seen I didn't want Carrie to see me as shy.

"Well, as you heard, I'm performing tomorrow and I would love it if you came! I love being able to introduce new fans to my music. Come on." She took a hold of my wrist and led me to the centre of the hall, to stand with the rest of her group. I gazed back to Julie and Flynn and shrugged my shoulders as they solemnly smiled.

"These are the girls in my dance group, Dirty Candi. You should get to know them! I feel like we will be spending a lot of time together." Her perkiness seemed to have washed away a little and she was genuinely nice. Maybe I had misjudged her.

Suddenly, I heard a bell travel down the hallway. "Oh!" Carrie squealed, painted in excitement, "We have music! You are in the music program right?" She paused and I quickly nodded, stunned by how the bell had had such an impact on her mood. "Great! Come on! We have to be the first ones there so that we can gets seats at the front!" She grabbed my hand and swiftly ran off to a large room and the end of one of the halls.

I stopped at the doorway. Looking around and admiring the beauty of the instruments dotted around the walls. "I know right?" Carrie chuckled, smiling at me before she sat down and patted the chair next to her. Maybe getting in with Carrie can help me actually get somewhere in this school. Even though Julie and Flynn seemed to dislike her, the side of her she had shown me was kind. I don't see what she could have done for someone to not like her.


Hey again! I hope you didn't miss me too much. S I wanted to write more but didn't know where to take my Reggie story so... I started one for Carrie. Because even though some people don't like her, she is one of my all time favourite characters and I wanted to give her a redemption and see if I could write her in a way to show her humanity. This story will also be pretty slow paced. Something that will take a while to write and that you can immerse yourself into, but I really hope you will like it and it can get the same attention as The Ghost who plays Bass ;). (Also if the find the glee reference in this comment and I will be very proud.)


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