Steve Rogers x reader (drabble)

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Pairings | Steve Rogers x gender neutral!reader
Warnings | implied smut
Word count | 345
Summary | Steve needs glasses

GlassesPairings | Steve Rogers x gender neutral!readerWarnings | implied smutWord count | 345Summary | Steve needs glasses

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Steve Rogers needed glasses. It was just about the most ridiculously funny thing you'd ever heard. No one could figure out how or why, but he needed them. Not even Bruce could tell you why your super soldier husband needed them.

Clint and Thor found it utterly hilarious, making glasses over their eyes with their fingers and shouting 'four eyes' whenever Steve entered the room. Wanda and Nat were a little more reserved in their teasing, but it was there non the less.

Tony smirked through a laugh the first time he saw him, and you were starstruck at the fact that the billionaire had held back from coming up with a nickname for him. No, instead Tony had built at least five different types of glasses that Steve could wear in any situation.

On a mission. For reading. For training. For everyday use. For in bed.

The last suggestion made a deep red blush flush across Steve's neck and the tip of his ears, cheeks tinted pink as the words fell from Tony's mouth. You couldn't hold back your laughter, doubled over with your hands braced on your knees.

Truth is, you never thought there was a way to make your husband even better looking until he waltzed through the door the day of his eye appointment in a pair of thick-rimmed, black glasses. In fact, you had to hold yourself from jumping on him the moment he got home.

Oh and when you'd walk out the bathroom at night after brushing your teeth only to see him propped up against the headboard, book in his lap, and glasses settled over his nose? You loved it.

Steve, however, was not very fond of his glasses. The fogged up at the most inconvenient times: whilst in missions, in debriefings on the quinjet on the way home, when you'd make him wear them whilst you ride him...

But, to put it quite simply, Steve Rogers needed glasses.

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