Chapter 3 - Genocide (Part 3)

Start from the beginning

"That sounds like a good plan, but what if doesn't work?" He was worried, i could tell easily since he's my brother.

"I'm sure its gonna work, don't stress yourself too much about it" He was still worried, but decided to just stay silent about it.

"And here we are, at MTT's" I said happily. It won't be long before the end. Finally we could be free. Not that fake free the human made us belive so long ago, but TRULY FREE. I was, for the first in a long time, feeling HOPEFUL.

"Lets head in then" Paps just smiled at me while saying so, and i smiled back. I love him really much. 

MTT's was empty, i had, alongside my bro, killed all the monsters and got a lot of food. The human was gonna be in trouble without it's healing items, that's for sure. I would have forgot about the Empty Gun and the Cowbow Hat if my bro didn't remember about them. Time to head for the Core then.

The core is the place that has the strongests monsters in the underground, but that also has most EXP. They aren't a problem alone, but having a lot of them can make things a bit difficult, good thing i'm not alone too.

"Ready Bro?" I asked 

"Ready." I entered the Core with a blast. Literally, i gaster blasted a monster as soon as i entered the Core. There's gonna be a mad time in here.


Passing through the Core was easier then i had imagined. Most monster here didn't even manage to hit me. Me and my bro were just outside the place Mettaton usually stayed at. Just 4 more LV's before LV 20 and then deal with the kid. Papyrus decided to stay out the fights with Metatton and Asgore, because the first is his former idol and the second was really kind to me and my bro in the past, and also our king. 

I stepped inside and the door closed, making everything incredibly dark. The lights flickered on and a metalic voice soon ressonated.

"My, my. So, you've finnaly arrived. Looking at you now i can see you're not only a threat to monsterkind, but to humankind as well. I can't let you leave with life. For all my fans and all those who have perished against you. Now, as any true fan would know, i was created to be a human erratication machine, and those funtions are still inside of me. I suppose they also could work against you. Ready? ITS SHOWTIME!" As the lights went out, a voice was heard."OH YES." Mettaton became Mettaton NEO, with his pink armor at display. 

"You speak too much for someone so weak!" I just needed one attack, a gaster blaster right behind Mettaton that opened a hole in its chest, making it feel a lot of pain, even if its a robot.

"Ugh... Guess we should... Have have increased the defenses... No matter... Asgore will stop you..." And then an explosion happened, acompanied of a sound of a monster being dusted. Mettaton was no more and my LV rised to 19. For a battle so short like that it gave me a lot of EXP.


Well, time to leave. 

"Let's grab some stuff before heading to Asgore." I teleported to Asgore's house. The house looked weird since all the place was painted in white and gray, even the furniture, except the golden flowers that were all around the house. The reason i came here was two certain items inside gifts that were inside one of the rooms in the house. The Real Knife and The Locket, both items the kid always used against me on the genocide routes. 'they are mine now'. I looked at myself in the mirror outside the room.

"I don't like how those look on me. Hmm... you know what? I'll just hide the locket under my scarf and guard the knife in one of my pockets. I'll still receive their stats anyway." I gave a last look at the mirror "Sans... that name feels so weird now, like it belonged to a different person..." I sighed, this is the most tired i ever felt. How i wish i could just laze around... but i can't. Time to go for the king.

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