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Followed the rules?:
Two games you'll like to play (This/that, Rapid Fire OR Never Have I Ever)?:
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Anything else we should know?:
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Please note: We are not accepting answers through Wattpad.

How The Games are Played:

Rapid Fire: Basically, RAPID FIRE, is a game which involves answering a question with the first thought that crosses your mind, for instance if you're asked: Color- Red (or any other color that crosses your mind) Food- Spaghetti. It's just for fun so you have to say whatever comes to your mind.

Never Have I Ever: This is about the things you've never done. Like for example (Never have I ever have I broken a bone.) And if you have done this you'd have to explain how and why. (But if you don't want to, it's fine.)

This or That: It's a simple game in which you're give two choices, two very dramatic choices where you have to pick one, at least the one you feel is better.

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