"Ok well we can deal with that later for right now you need to race." He tells me.

"I love you bro." I tell him as I put my helmet on and get in.

"I love you too sis." He says as he closes my door. I do my burnout then Ryan backs me up. Justin pulls Farmtruck up to the line and then me. He looks back and hits the light. The moment the light comes on I take off like a bat out of hell. I sixty footed Farmtruck and I never saw him, when I got stopped after passing the finished line I got out of my car. I can't believe I just won.

Ryan POV: (Suprise hehehe)

Once Chief hit the light Daryn was gone. She was out on Farmtruck the whole time. Once they cross the line, Chief gets on the walkie talkie.

"I know Daryn won but by how much?" He asks. I'm standing beside him waiting for the answer.

"A train length." Was the response. Holy crap she did it, she won. Me and Chief looked at each other, both smiling.

"YES MY SISTER WON!" He yells out smiling.

"YES MY CRUSH WON!" I yell after he yells and then instantly put my hands on my mouth. God dammit I didn't mean to say that out loud. Chiefs giving me that look and I know he wants to talk to me in his trailer after Daryn comes back. I nod my head and he looks over to Daryn who's just getting back. I run over and hug her when she gets out.

"You did it you did it you did it!" I exclaim as I twirl her in circles.

"Holy fuck Ryan your gonna kill me." She laughs as I set her down.

"Oops sorry." I say rubbing the back of my neck.

"Hey sis I'm gonna get Ryan to help me with something real quick and then we'll go with you to call out Dominator, ok?" Chief says as he comes over.

"Yeah that's fine." Daryn says. Me and Chief walk into his trailer and he looks at me with his arms crossed.

"So about what you yelled earlier." He begins.

"Look Justin I know you're probably pissed at me and I get that but I've known her for two years and she just makes me so happy and I would never hurt her and-" I ramble but he cuts me off by hugging me.

"Ok I'm getting mixed messages here." I say when he let's go of me.

"I'm not pissed, actually the exact opposite. Ryan just before Daryn went out to the line I told her that you guys would make a great couple. Yes that lead to her choking on her water, me laughing my ass off, and her extremely pissed off but I meant it. She might not realize the way you look at her but I sure do. I honestly couldn't think of anyone else that would be better for her. And as the never hurting her go's, if you guys ever do end up together you better keep that promise or all the guys in the shop will be after you." He tells me. I put my hands up in surrender and laugh.

"Understood." I say.

"Ok now let's head out before Daryn starts asking why we took so long." He says and I start laughing and so does he.

Daryn's POV: (we all knew this was gonna happen)

"Hey sis I'm gonna get Ryan to help me with something real quick and then we'll go with you to call out Dominator, ok?" My brother tells me as he walks over. Yes another race.

"Yeah that's fine." I tell him. They head off and I go over to talk to Shawn.

"Hey baby girl." He says turning around to look at me.

"Remember when I first got that nickname." I say and he chuckles.

"How could I forget, it was your first time coming to filming." He says smiling.

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