Test hits

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Daryn POV:
~ After getting to the spot ~

I got out and looked for Ryan. I saw his truck, trailer and car but there was no Ryan to be found. I look in Ryan's trailer, then I heard something behind me. I froze.

"H-h-hello?" I stutter out. I was scared to turn around. I feel a hand on my arm and I punched whoever it was.

"Holy crap, owwww." They say, wait I know that voice.

"Omg Ryan im so sorry, I thought you were some creep coming to kidnap me." I say as I turn around.

"Damn, so I'm guessing that your brother gave you some lessons on self defense?" He asks, holding his nose.

"Yeah, since sometimes things get rough he taught me how to defend myself." I admit. I looked up at him, yes up like I said before I'm like a foot shorter than him, and he is still holding his nose.

"Damn girl you got quite the arm." He says laughing.

"How the hell did I even manage to hit you, your like a foot taller than me?" I ask but mostly to myself.

"I have absolutely no idea but I know that it hurt like hell." He says as he let's go of his nose.

"Sorry." I say looking down.

"Hey there's nothing to be sorry about, if anything that was my fault I came up behind you trying to scare you." He says. I look up and smile.

"So are we gonna test?" I ask.

"Yeah let's go, you can do your test hit first." He says. I go to my trailer and got my fire suit on. I got in the Soul Crusher and Ryan helped me back out of the trailer. I lined up and waited for him to give me the signal. When he did I took off like a bat out of hell. I got back and took my helmet off.

"Oh my god Baby girl that was amazing!" Ryan says. (A/N: Baby girl is what everyone in the 405 call her.)

"Really?" I ask looking up at him.

"Yeah, if you make a pass like that tomorrow then you'll be climbing up the list in no time." He says. That makes me smile but then I remember something.

"Yeah that's if my brother will let me try for the list." I say looking down.

"Daryn, it was actually his idea to build the car for you he see's how much you love racing and realized that keeping you from racing wasn't right, also isn't that his spare trailer if he didn't want you racing then he wouldn't have let you come out with me to test tonight." He says looking at me. I looked up and smiled.

"You have a point there." I say taking off my jacket.

"I know I do." He says pretending to do a hair flip. I burst out laughing.

"Oh my fucking god you looked like a teenage girl." I say in between laughs.

"At least I'm tall." He says smirking. I stop laughing and glare at him.

"Not. Fair." I say.

"So. Fair." He says mocking me.

"You didn't just do that." I say, still glaring at him.

"Oh, but I did." He says smirking. I slowly start to backup towards the cupboard where my laptop is, I know that there is a wrench beside my laptop. Ryan looks at me weird.

"Ummm what the hell are you doing?" He asks. Once I get the wrench I take off for the door of the trailer. Once Ryan realizes what I'm doing he runs over to me and picks me up.

"Let go off me you giant." I say struggling to get out of his grasp.

"No, I know what your gonna do with that wrench and I ain't gonna let it happen." He says.

"Ugh who said I was gonna do something to your car." I say trying to act like that wasn't what is was gonna do.

"That wrench in your hand did, and I don't need anything else to happen to Fireball the trans break is already giving me problems." He says looking at me.

"Ok ok I won't do anything just please put me the hell down." I say.

"Nah I'm good." He says smiling.

"RYAN MARTIN PUT ME THE HELL DOWN THIS INSTANT!" I yell. He looked at me suprised then sits me down.

"Wow you are most definitely Chief's sister." He says looking at me.

"And that means what exactly?" I sass putting my hands on my hips.

"Means you both have that Shearer temper." He says looking at me.

"Ok I can't argue there." I say taking my hands off my hips.

"Ok now let's go test good ol' fireball." He says beginning to walk away. I follow shortly after, still holding the wrench just in case.

"LEAVE THE WRENCH." He yells over his shoulder without even looking at me. How the hell does he know I have the wrench? I think. I put it down and run to catch up to Ryan.

Another chapter published. Let me know what y'all think about it so far.

Written: 04/15/21

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