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(the dress in the media is Daryn's but imagine that it's white)

~three months later~

Daryn POV:

Today is the day of the wedding. I'm so excited but so nervous not only am I marrying the man of my dreams but he's also my best friend. I stayed at Caytlin's place last night because my luck I'll sleep in and be late to my own wedding, I was late to my graduation because I slept in.

"Daryn are you up yet?" Caytlin yells from the other side of the door and I decide to mess with her and act like I'm sleeping. All of a sudden someone starts jumping on the bed but it's too big to be Caytlin. I open my eyes and realize that it's Azn jumping on the bed.

"When did you get here?" I ask causing him to fall off the bed with a loud thud.

"One little monkey jumping on the bed, he fell off and bumped his head." I sing and he gets up rubbing his head.

"Not funny." He says and I laugh.

"I thought it was, anyway why are you here?" I ask him.

"You have three hours to get ready Erin's already here to do your hair." He says and I panic. I get out of bed and drag him down the stairs with me.

"Sorry this is why I stayed here last night Justin would have just let me sleep in and be late." I apologize and Erin laughs.

"It's ok sweetie I get it, sit down and we can get started." She says pointing at a stool from the kitchen island. Due to the time we already lost Caytlin does my nails while Erin does my hair.

"Sweetie I know you hate it but I have to do your makeup." Erin tells me and I groan.

"Daryn it's just for the wedding, at the reception you can look as homeless as you want." Caytlin tells me and I flip her off.

"Just get it over with, and if you do mascara make sure that it's waterproof there's no way that I'm not going to cry." I tell Erin and she laughs.

"Take it from me, you're gonna cry." She says and I laugh.

"Ok are y'all gonna even acknowledge my presence?" Azn asks from where I left him at the bottom of the stairs and I decide to fuck with him.

"Omg who said that, Caytlin is your house haunted?" I ask winking at the two girls. They get the idea and play along.

"I think so, I think the ghost is Azn." Caytlin plays along and I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing.

"Oh no not Azn, you will always be remembered little buddy." Erin continues and I take a deep breath to keep myself together.

"You were a good friend, a dick at times, and annoying as hell but you were a good friend." I say and he stands up

"For fuck sakes I know you know I'm here, Daryn you just drug me down the stairs, don't make me go get Hannah and see if she sees me." He says and me, Caytlin and Erin burst out laughing.

"We know you're fine but can you please go wake up Hannah she's the flower girl but I ain't waking her up, I know my little sister and she's a bitter if you wake her up." Caytlin says and Azn looks at her.

"What makes you think I want to wake her up, she'll bite me." He says and she gives him this look.

"Azn you know she has a thing for you, she won't bite you." Caytlin tells him and Erin looks at me cocking an eyebrow. I mouth I'll tell you later to her and she nods.

"Ugh she better not lock me in her room until I agree to be her boyfriend again, I had to try to climb out the window I slipped and broke my leg." He says and me and Erin start laughing.

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