You're kidding me

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Last time:
When I get in the door Ryan is there waiting for me.

"What's going on babe?" I ask him as I set my phone down.

"We need to talk..."

Daryn POV:

"Ok what's up?" I ask as I go over to the couch.

"I got a message earlier." He tells me as he sits down beside me.

"Damn it, Azn had my phone anything that was sent was from him." I tell him.

"It wasn't from you." He tells me.

"Ok then what's going on?" I ask him.

"I got a message earlier from a guy who said his name was Luke and he said that he saw you sneaking around with another guy and cheating on me when you say you're going to Caytlin's place." He tells me and I stand up.

"You're kidding me, babe I would never do that." I tell him.

"How do I know you're not lying?"

"Because Caytlin can tell you that I've been with her." I tell him.

"Caytlin will lie for you and I know it. Beside your getting all defensive, it's hard to believe that you're not doing something."

"Yeah I'm running around with another guy while I'm seven months pregnant with your child." I tell him sarcastically as I walk to the door and put my shoes on. I grab my phone and open the door.

"I can't fucking believe this, and I can't fucking believe you." I tell him as I take my ring off and toss it somewhere in the kitchen. I get in my truck and drive to the gas station. When I get there I park my truck in a spot and just start crying. I pick up my phone and message my brother.


What's up Dar

Can I stay with you for a little bit

Of course

Thank you

Just to be nosy, why aren't you staying with Ryan?

We got into a fight and I need to get away for a bit

Alright, I'm at the shop but Jackie is at the house

I put my phone down and go to Justin's house. I open the door and I hear something hit the floor.

"Damnit Justin you scared me, I cracked my damn phone when I dropped it." Jackie says and I stiffle a laugh.

"Sorry Jack but it's not Justin." I say as I walk into the kitchen where she is.

"Hey Daryn, what are you doing here?" She asks me.

"I'm staying with you guys for a bit." I tell her.

"Fight?" She asks and I nod.

"Got to hate those." She says as I fist bump her.

"Wait where's your wedding ring?" She asks me and I look at the ground for a second.

"I kinda got pissed and threw it at him." I tell her and she nods. I head upstairs and sit on my bed. It's time to do some FBI shit.

~Time skip two months~
Justin POV:

It's been two months and Daryn hasn't even spoken to Ryan. It's concerning because she's gonna have her baby any day now and she's pissed at the father. Caytlin's been coming over a lot and I'm kinda scared to know what in the hell they could be planning. I haven't talked to Ryan a lot lately mostly just answering him when he asks how Daryn's doing, but I'm going over to his shop to ask him what the hell got them into a fight so big that Daryn won't let us say his name around her. When I  get there I go into the shop and it's complete chaos.

Girl's Can Race ToOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora