Climbing up the list

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Daryn POV:

We head over to Dominator's trailer and he looks over at us.

"I'm guessing that you're coming to call me out?" He asks looking over at me.

"Yep." I tell him.

"A grand?" He asks.

"Sounds good." I tell him as I shake his hand. As we head back to my trailer, Justin gives Ryan a look and Ryan shakes his head no. They've both been acting kinda weird since they came back from whatever it was that Justin needed Ryan's help with.

"Hey Dar I'm gonna head up to the starting line, good luck." Justin tells me as he hugs me and looks at Ryan. Ryan gives him a look and I see Justin giving him a smile as he walks away. The way that their acting is really starting to scare me.

"Are you gonna be good or do you want help?" Ryan asks looking down at me and I know that he means with the car.

"Nope I should be good." I tell him. He gives me a side hug and heads off in the direction of the starting line. As I walk back to my trailer I run into Shawn's son Aiden, we've talked here and there whenever he comes to Midwest with Shawn but we're not like best friend's or anything. He's fourteen and the same height as me, so either I'm short for my age or he's tall for his.

"Oops sorry Aiden." I apologize to him and he looks at me.

"It's fine Daryn." He tells me. I begin walking to my trailer again and for some reason he's following me.

"Um hi.?" I say/ask as I turn around to look at him.

"I know he likes you." He tells me and I look at him.

"He's my brother, I hope he likes me." I tell him and he rolls his eyes.

"I don't mean Justin, I mean Ryan." He says and I freeze. Does Aiden know something I don't, no he's just a teenager what does he know about who likes me. I turn around and go to check my phone when he keeps talking.

"Do you like him?" He asks and I silently laugh at how he keeps saying like. I turn back around to face him.

"Look Aiden I'm sorry but I'm not exactly comfortable sharing my feelings with someone half my age." I tell him.

"Tough but fair." He says.

"I got to head out wish me luck." I tell him as I open the car door. He gives me a thumbs up and I put my helmet on and head to the starting line. Ryan's already there waiting. I do my burnout then Ryan backs me up. I get pulled up to the line and then Dominator. The light turns on and we both take off. At first Dominator is out on me but I go around him just before we cross the finish line. I get out to put my chutes away and Dominator comes up to me.

"Damn, a badass chick driving a badass car." He says as he pulls me into a side hug.

"Well remember Joe, this badass chick was raised by a badass street racer and that badass car was built by a badass group of guys." I tell him and he laughs.

"That is true." He says causing me to laugh. I head back to my trailer and not long after Justin and Ryan come in.

"Damn sis this is your first race night racing and you're already number nine." Justin says giving me a hug.

"I know, I'm so happy to be here." I tell him and he smiles.

"Damn girl I knew you could go fast but I didn't think you'd make it to number nine first night, I'm gonna have to watch my back and my number one spot." Ryan tells me as he holds out his fist.

"You ended up number three your first night Ry." I tell him as I fist bump him.

"Yeah but mine was a list shake up." He tells me and I smile.

"Well I mean I was basically raised by this guy." I say nudging my brother.

"You learned from one of the best." Ryan tells me and I see Justin smile.

"Hey Ry isn't your race next?" I ask him and just by the look on his face I know he forgot.

"Damn it." I hear him mumble before he runs off.

"Your forgetfulness is rubbing off on him." My brother tells me and I smack him.

"Well I'm gonna go wait at the line, with the fact that your flagging you should come up to." I tell him and then head to the line. Ryan's already there and Monza is just pulling up. As I'm waiting one of Ryan's crew guys come up to me. Well fuck, this can't be good.

"Hey we're having some problems over here, any chance you can help?" He asks me and I nod. We run back over to the car and he looks at me.

"We can't figure out what's going on with it." He tells me, yelling over the noise of the car.

"Did he already do his burnout?" I yell back.

"Yeah why?" He responds.

"Maybe it messed up the motor like that time at no prep?" I ask and it's like a lightbulb went on in his head. (I definitely didn't just watch that episode this morning *cough cough*)

"I can't believe I never thought of that." He tells me and he runs over and talks to Ryan real quick, I don't know what about because of the noise of the two cars. He then runs over to Justin and tells him something. I see Justin nod and then he pulls Monza up and hits the light. Monza takes off and Ryan's crew begins to push the car back to the trailer. God dammit, now he's number two. I head back to his trailer and I can hear him cursing.

"Do you guys need any help?" I ask and Ryan comes over to me. He looks extremely stressed. I give him a quick hug and look up at him.

"Did the same thing as at no prep that time didn't it?" I ask him.

"Yep." He says. Just then the same crew guy as earlier came up to us.

"How the hell did you know that was the problem?" He asks me.

"I honestly don't know, maybe it's because I grew up around cars like my entire life." I tell him truthfully.

"Damn, this girl knows her stuff." He says to Ryan.

"I've know that for a long time." Ryan tells him and I can't help but blush. What can I say, I do it everytime I get a compliment.

"Oh also I'm Javier." The crew guy- I mean Javier tells me.

"One of my best crew guys, and mechanics." Ryan says.

"Well at least that was the last race of the night, and you can go for your spot again next week." I tell him and he looks at me.

"You should come visit the shop tomorrow Dar." Ryan says as he looks between me and Javier.

"Yeah, that would be awesome." Javier agrees nodding. I laugh at the shorter males enthusiasm.

"Sure, I'll come I've always wanted to check out B&R." I tell them and they fist bump. I laugh and head to my truck to head home, I need sleep because I feel like tomorrow is gonna be an interesting day.

A/N: This is gonna be a little rant,so yeah feel free to skip. So my grandmother lives with me and when she came home from work yesterday I was wearing my ball cap backwards and when she saw that she looked at me and said "I don't think that looks good on a woman" and took my hat right off my head and flipped it around. Then she look at me and said "only guys wear their hats like that not girls. and you're a little lady you shouldn't be wearing your hat like that" and it actually took me everything in my power to not tell her off. First of all, I ain't no girlie girl you couldn't pay me to wear a dress. And second she fucking told me what to do with my hat and I hate when people tell me that only guys can do things. But after that happened I told my mom about the drag team at my middle/high school and my mom and dad told me that once I'm old enough I can join and that I shouldn't let being a girl get in the way of my dreams. Anyways that's it for my little rant, the next chapter should be up soon.

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