It's time

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~couple days later~
Daryn POV:


"How about Lylah?"

"Maybe Amber?"

This is what the last few days have been like. We've been preparing for our baby but we don't have a name. So we've been going back and forth thinking of different things to name our baby girl. At first we got Caytlin to help but after she suggested we name the baby parmesan chicken, we decided that it may be best to figure this out on our own.

"Oh I know, Alexandra."

"Nah to basic, how about Ella?"

"That's basic to dodo bird, what about Autumn?"

"Rhea maybe?"

"Wait Ry I think I have the perfect name."

"Lay it on me." He says.

"What if we name her...

~Time skip that evening~ (sorry not sorry)

I wake up in the middle of the night with really bad stomach pain and I keep just trying to make myself comfortable until the pains become unbearable.

"Ry honey." I say as I push his back a bit trying to wake him up but he's a heavy sleeper and I ain't exactly at my strongest right now.

"RYAN." I half yell and I faintly hear him mumble.

"What's wrong baby?" I know he's still half asleep but I keep talking anyway.

"We need to go to the hospital, I'm having really bad pains in my stomach, I think I might be going into labor." I tell him and he jolts up so I know he went from half asleep to fully awake.

"Let's go." He says as he grabs the first shirt he finds, which I'm pretty sure is one of the ones I've stolen from him, and grabs the diaper bag. He helps me outside since the pains are so bad I can barely walk and we get in his truck. On the way to the hospital the pains start to get worse, to the point that I'm nearly crying, and right about now I am extremely glad that my husband is a racer and going fast in vehicles is basically his job. When we get to the hospital he parks the truck in the parking lot for the ER and goes to get me a wheelchair since standing isn't really an option at this point, much less walking. He helps me onto the wheelchair, grabs the duffel bag of diapers and all that, then wheels me into the ER.

"What's the matter?" A nurse asks quickly coming over to us and Ryan has to be my voice at this point.

"My wife is pregnant and we think she is in labor." He says and I'm immediately rushed into a room, time to have a baby. (Is it just me or does that last sentence sound a little weird?)

~A few hours later~

"She has you're eyes." I tell Ryan as we both adore our baby girl. She's a pretty big baby at 8 lbs 7 ounces.

"She's got you're cute nose." He says and I laugh.

"You are extremely lucky I just gave birth cause I promise that in any other situation, I would have punched your shoulder for that one." I tell him. A doctor comes in and we both look at her (I hate when fan fics only have male doctors and female nurses so I switched it up.)

"Hi Mr and Mrs Martin, do you guys have a name for your baby?" She asks and I look at Ryan and he nods.

"Yes we do, we are naming her Briar Alexandra Martin." I tell the doctor and she nods, writing something down on a pad of paper.

"You will be released in a couple days assuming all goes well, I'll leave you two alone now." She says as she walks out the door. I look at Ryan.

"Do any of the guys know?" I ask and he nods.

"Yep all of them know and your brother, Caytlin and I think maybe Azn are on their way." He tells me and the door opens. We look up to see my brother and he sees me holding Briar and sits on the other chair next to the hospital bed. I pass her to him and he's smiling from ear to ear looking at her the same way Ryan was, with pure love.

"Her first car will most definitely be a Pontiac." Ryan says and I laugh.

"If she takes after you any at all her first car is gonna be a Camaro." My brother says as he looks at Ryan.

"She's part Shearer AND part Martin, she'll have both." I say looking at both of them and they look at each other then nod their heads.

"Yeah that's true." They say at the same time.

"What do you think her favorite color will be?" I ask them.

"Red." Ryan says at the same time Justin says


"Justin is your favorite color really black?" I ask my brother.

"No my car is black cause my favorite color is teal." He says sarcastically.

"Well maybe she'll take after her mom and her favorite color will be black and red." I tell them.

"She's gonna know how to swap a motor before she knows how to walk." I realize after they launch into a conversation about their cars.

"Hey bish." Caytlin pretty much yells as she comes in the door and I point to the sleeping baby in my brother's arms.

"Oops." She whispers.

"So what did yall name her, the answer better be parmesan chicken." She asks and Azn comes in laughing.

"I can't believe you want them to name their little girl parmesan chicken." He says shaking his head.

"Wow he's the smart one for once." I say.

"Well all yall, except Caytlin, will be happy to know that we did not name her Parmesan chicken." I say and Caytlin crosses her arms.

"I still don't know my nieces name so if you could please hurry the hell up." Justin says and I hear someone moving around but I just ignore it.

"Briar Alexandra Martin." I say and even though I'm not looking at my brother I can feel him smile.

"Daddy." I hear someone say and even though shes only a couple hours old I instantly look at Briar.

"Who said that?" I ask and Caytlin nods at what I now notice is Dax.

"How long has he been here?" I ask.

~A few days later~

"Finally freedom." I say as we walk out of the hospital.

"Do you want to go home or do you want to come with me to see if my shop is still standing?" He asks me as I get Briar in the carseat and get in the back.

"Eh let's head to the shop." I say and he nods.

Yall I am so sorry this took me so long to update. I have been so busy with school but I am not giving up on this book until it's done. I typed this all after I was done typing my assignment for language arts and forgot to upload it two days in a row but I finally uploaded. That being said there are only a couple chapters left but I may or may not have some other projects that might end up published soon😉. Let me know what you think about the chapter.

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