Timelines Diverge

Start from the beginning



"Don't tell Amasawa and Nanase."

"As you wish."

I left and went to the same alley where I met those two.

"Yo. Get out. I already know you two are there."

"Ah? Senpai you're senses are really sharp." Amasawa said.

"Let's get this over with." I teleported them outside to the vast desert. I didn't go easy on them this time.

I called upon the Devil himself.

"Whoa Senpai~ Isn't that a bit too dangerous?" Amasawa said.

"Not at all." Seems like Amasawa knows about the seal being broken despite not being told by Sakayanagi. Nanase on the other hand, didn't.

They both summoned the Albino Rhino and the Metallic Centipede, just like earlier.

I called upon Hermes, and used his power to vastly increase my mobility. This buff also applied to Lucifer, as anything that happens to the summon, happens to the summoner.

I sent Lucifer towards the monsters.

"Judgement Day!"

In an instant, a humongous laser appeared from the sky, and killed the two monsters. Without a second to waste, I rushed forward and knocked out the two before they could retreat.

Remembering the "bishop" piece from earlier, I decided to check out the cathedral nearby.

I was still trying to figure out what to do with Nanase and Amasawa. I made the decision to delete all of their memories related to me, except the ones from school. I took the two of them and placed them on the wyvern's back. We flew towards the city.

I brought the two of them to the inn and bought a room. I placed them on the bed and left.

The cathedal was rather big. It was surrounded by magical barriers that weakened everyone's magic upon entering. A statue of a woman with a fish's head could be seen outside. I assumed this was the water god.

I snuck into the cathedral, making myself invisible using concealment magic. The barrier was rather powerful, as many mid tier spells were negated. Fortunately, invisibility was a high rank magic.

As I entered the offering room, A statue of the water goddess was set up in the middle.

I could hear the voice of a rather old man, dressed in pure white garments, offering gifts to the statue.

"Ohhh, Krishna, our goddess of water, I have come to once again offer gifts to you. Please accept it."

After he said that, water began to appear from the fish's head and the offerings were drenched in water.

"Ah! Thank you for receiving our offering!" The old man said.



"The plans are going along nicely. Tomorrow the army should invade. After you give the signal, of course. Here is the priest horn. Please blow it when it starts."

"I see. I'll keep that in mind."

I had to stop the bishop from blowing on the horn. I killed the person beside him and paralyzed the bishop.

"Yo. Mind telling me about the Trifecto Alliance?" I asked the bishop.

"Heee!?!?! Don't kill me!"
He said.

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