Chapter 1

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As i quickly killed dust everyone, i met the kid in front of the ruin entrance and engage battle with them as my LOVE pulse through me as i kept on hearing things as insanity catching up to me. Now you may be wondering how did i come to this predicament.

Let me tell you the short version of this story. I Woke up as a baby skeleton and when i was a kid gaster did experiments in my eye. Got cool powers out of it. Got a baby brother out of it and took care of it. Gaster went and gone to the void because his machine malfunction. Got to really take care of papyrus while dealing that everyone memories of gaster gone like poof disappear. Became the youngest royal scientist and judge but of course it was a secret like TOP SECRET. Retired as a scientist to take care full time of my baby brother, so while am still a judge i request asgore to make me a sentry he accept it. I Work a lot and earn myself as an insomnia. Killed a lot of kids of human and sent their body and soul to asgore. Meet the caretaker of ruins in the door and did knock-knock jokes.  Did puns on everyone. So when the 7th human came whose name was frisk and did a way to free everyone only to wake up in the bed where the day the frisk comes again but the difference is that the human started to kill everyone. Over and Over again and when they reach the judgement hall i kill them. This kill or be killed with the human became a never ending cycle. I did feel like being watch but i shove that thought to the back of my skull. Since everyone is going to die i decided to kill them all THE END.

And now we are here in another of the never ending cycle of killing. Right now i have powers and intellect even though am insane to kill the human no matter LOAD and RESET i kill them all over again. Of Right the human gave me a nickname murder! it fits me well.

The world reload but this time the human stop near the trap i set up.

"Heh this is getting boring murder...  don't you ever give up" Frisk ask sans.

"what's this going on about?" I narrowed my eye sockets in suspicion at the human.

"I Guess its time to play the waiting game this time i won't reset, lets see who wins murder" Frisk said as they smile sadisctly and step on the trap and got an instant death. I watch coldly at them as they died but left it at that and waited.

'Bring it on Old Friend' I thought to myself.

Hidden in the woods a black goop was there watching the sans with interest. But decided to wait for the right moment to get them.

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Author Note

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