Chapter 11 : Gaining Trust

Start from the beginning

Serena nodded in agreement. "I agree with Joey. I can see it now, dying of hunger." Just then her stomach growled and she had anime zig-zags in her eyes as she fell down onto her back staring up at the moon also. 

"Those two and their stomachs huh Yugi?" Tea smiled and turned to Yugi. 

Yumi looked at Tea and Yugi while she didn't pay attention to her and felt a tiny ping of jealousy. 

Does Tea like Yugi? I hope not. If she does this will make things very awkward....

"Heyyyy!" Joey exclaimed and stared down at a spotted mushroom on the ground. "Somethin to eat! I'm takin' it!" He grinned and started to bite down on it. But Tristan grabbed him before he could. 

"No!" He held Joey by his right arm. 

"Wild mushrooms are poisonous Joey!" Yugi said to Joey who was still fighting to eat the mushroom he saw. 

Serena who also spotted a mushroom and was about to eat it from her hands gew wide-eyed and dropped it. Yumi snickered and shook her head at her. 

"See Serena. Yugi's right. They're dangerous." 

"So do us all a favor and let him eat it." A female voice said jokingly. Joey, Tristan, Tea, and Yugi looked in the direction of the voice. 

It was Mai Valentine. Again. 

"Now what do ya want Mai?" Joey groaned. 

Mai then pulled out a candy bar and started to eat it, looking at everyone at that moment. Everyone was so focused on she was eating. 

Mai had food!

"Dat's it!" Joey exclaimed and glared at Mai. "You can duel me, You can insult me, but no eatin' in front of me!" 

Mai smirked at him and stopped. "Oh so you're hungry are you? Okay then, give me your star chips and i'll give you some food." 

Joey groaned and drooled at the candy bar she was eating, but he shook his head to snap himself out of it  while Mina scowled at her. 

"Forget it!" Mina said to her. "Joey's starchips are priceless!" 

"I was just kidding Joseph." Mai said calmly. "I'll be happy to share if you ask politely like a gentleman." 

He frowned. "Right so you can go ahead and make fun of me for that too?" 

"Look..." Mai started to explain. "Tommorow I'll have entrance to the castle, so there's no point to me keeping an entire knapsack full of food." 

Joey and Serena then started to stare at the back she was holding on her back and groaning, dying to eat whatever she kept in the bag. 

"It sure would be nice to not have to duel tommorow on a empty stomach." Yugi said with a small smile. 

"Wait!" Joey folded his arms across his chest and glared at Mai. "Who do we know this isnt anotha trick? Give me just one good reason to trust you." 

Mai smiled and took the bag off her back. "Cuz its either me or that posionous mushroom." 

Everyone groaned, knowing that she was right. 

A few moments later Mai took all the food out of the pack and had it out on a blanket for everyone to share. 

"Look at all this stuff!" Yugi cheered. "Candybars..." 

"I call dibs on da Candybars!" Joey cut him off quickly.

"Chips..." Yumi said softly

"I call dibs on the chips!" Tristan exclaimed

"Canned fruit....Soda.." Lita said while eyeing everything laid out. 

When Worlds Collide (Sailor Moon & Yu-gi-oh! Crossover Story) (On Hiatus!)Where stories live. Discover now