Part 12

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You watched Bucky sleep when you randomly woke up in the night. He leaned back against the chair that he proclaimed as his. His head hung down and his arms crossed against his chest. You can imagine the neck pain he'll have later. You just..watched him. Really observed his features and it's like things never changed. He was still the loving, caring, charming, and funny guy you came to love all those years ago and found yourself loving again. It was a strange feeling. You never thought you'd find yourself around Bucky after what he did. But he seemed really hellbent on being there for you and Isabelle. It warmed your heart.

"You're staring." Bucky mumbled. His eyes fluttered open and he lifted his head.

You softly smiled, "Sorry," you muttered.

Bucky tiredly smiled back and lifted his arms above him stretching out his arms and legs. His shirt rode up to reveal his Adonis belt and you couldn't help but stare, "My eyes are up here, doll." He said with a teasing smirk.

You shrugged, "Just surprised you're still fit." You said teasingly.

Bucky scoffed, "What? Figured I'd get chubby or something?"

You nodded, "It'd make me feel soooo much better if you did with my after-birth body and all"

Bucky grabbed your hand and kissed it, "Hush. You're beautiful. You're gorgeous. You're a goddess."

You lightly chuckled, "Bet you say that to all the gals, Barnes."

He shook his head, "Nope. Always and only you, doll."

2 days later, you were able to be discharged from the hospital. Bucky rolled you out to his car with a good amount of pain relievers on your lap. As you were about to stand, Bucky picked you up and set you down into the passenger's seat.

"I can walk, you know." You say as he gets into the driver's seat.

"Sh. Let me take care of you." Bucky started the car and rested his hand on yours.

When you got home, Belle ran up to you, "You're home!" She was about to hug you, but stopped.

You chuckled, "I'm okay. Now give me a hug, princess." Belle launched herself at you and you kissed her head, "Your hugs heals the worst wounds, sweetheart." You looked up to see Wanda waiting there. You smiled at her, "She hasn't been much trouble, has she?"

"Perfect angel."

Not moments later, the pitter patter of smalls paws could be heard against the wooden floors of the house. Dolly came running towards you and began weaving in and out of your legs. You chuckled, "Has Dolly been good?"

Belle nodded, "I've been training her."

"That's great, sweetheart." Bucky said, "Does she know any tricks yet?"

Belle shook her head, "Not yet."

You opened your mouth to say something, but you were interrupted by a big growl from your stomach. Bucky chuckled as he pulled you towards the kitchen, "Let's get some food in ya, babe."

Wanda collected her stuff, "I'm gonna head out. You guys good?"

Belle hugged Wanda, "Thanks Wanda!"

"Not a problem, Pokey." She looked up at Bucky and he gave her a thumbs up and thanked her. She saluted him, "Not a problem! See ya around!"

"Bye Wan! Thanks!" You yelled from the kitchen.

Bucky cooked you up some waffles, since that's what you were craving. Belle helped him make them and you just watched as the father and daughter bonded. You could get use to this. Waking up with Bucky by your side. Watching him and Belle make breakfast together. It was the happily ever after you always wanted.

Once the food was done, Bucky set a plate down in front of you then sat next to you with his own. Belle had already eaten so she went into the backyard to play with Dolly, "So, since you're still healing, do you wanna have a family movie marathon kind of day? If you want me to stay that is."

You nodded, "Of course I want you to stay and the movie marathon sounds great."

"I was thinking Disney movies. I've been behind on those."

"Belle would love that. But prepare yourself for some terrible singing. I sound like a dying bird."

Bucky laughed, "Last time I checked, I sounded like a dying bird while you sounded like an angel." You couldn't help but make a disgusting but cute noise and Bucky's heart began to pound through his chest. The love he felt for you, the love he always had, was still there and ever strong.

You were here, with him, with your daughter that you both brought into this world. Bucky never thought he'd get his happily ever after. However, within weeks, he managed to. Fate had granted him a second chance. He knew he wasn't going to mess it up this time.

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