Part 2

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When Bucky arrived back to the apartment he shared with his best friend, army pal, and fellow police officer, Steve Rogers, he collapsed onto the couch. He mind was reeling. He saw you for the first time in seven years. Not only that, he had a daughter! He shared a daughter with you! Was he upset that you didn't tell him he had a daughter and he missed part of her life? Of course! But that didn't matter. What mattered was that he was going to fight tooth and nail to not only be a part of Isabelle's life, but yours as well. He wanted to have his happily ever after that he never got.

"Hey, man. Why all slumpy?" Steve asked walking out into the kitchen.

Bucky stood up from the couch and followed him, "I saw Y/N today. At the park."

Steve's eyes widened in shock, "Wow. That must've been surprising." Steve took a glass and poured water into then drank from it.

Bucky nodded, "What was even more surprising was meeting my daughter."

Steve choked on the water, "What?!"

"But I'm sure you knew about her, anyway, didn't you Stevie. My old buddy and pal." Bucky said the last phrase with such hostility.

Steve gulped, "She didn't want you to know."

"I can't believe this! I had the right to know!" Bucky said stalking up to Steve.

Steve pushed him away, "I know we're best friends, but you fucked up man! You cheated on her! If I was Y/N I wouldn't want you to know either!"

Bucky was seething he started pacing the floor, "7 years, Steve. I missed 7 years of my daughter's life. I should've been there every step of the way." Bucky sat at the counter and held his head in his hands.

Steve cleared his throat, "There's something else you should know since we're on the subject of Belle. Well, two things."

Bucky lifted his head, "Go on."

"Well, Y/N named her after your sister."

"Really?" Bucky lightened up.

Steve nodded, "Isabelle Rebecca L/N-Barnes."

Bucky smiled, "That's-That's a beautiful name." Bucky's heart was soaring. You remembered how much Rebecca meant to Bucky. He wished she was still alive to meet Belle. But he knew she'd probably kick his ass for what he did to you. Bucky sadly smiled to himself. He missed his sister. It sucks how she was taken too soon...fucking breast cancer. Steve cleared his throat and brought Bucky back to reality, "So what's the other thing?"

"I'm her godfather."

Bucky smiled again nodding in approval, "We did want you to be the godfather of one of our children. I'm glad she remembered."

"So did Belle know you were her father?"

Bucky shook his head, "No, but Y/N said we could formally meet soon. I'll call her about it. She still has the same number?"


Bucky ran a hand through his hair, "I wanna be part of their lives, Steve."


"I'm gonna win Y/N over again. I don't care how long it takes. I wanna be more than just some baby daddy. I want Y/N to be mine again. I wanna fix everything."

Steve looked at his best friend in amazement, "You still love her?"

Bucky gave a dry laugh, "I never stopped."


You kept typing and deleting Bucky's number into your phone. You wanted to let him know when he could meet Belle, but you were also nervous.

"Because, doll, even if this is the first time I've seen you in years, I'm still head over heels in love with you."

He was bluffing. Surely it wasn't true. You hadn't seen the man in seven years! There's no way he could've still-

Your phone started vibrating in your hand causing you to jump. You read the number and even though it had no identification, you still knew who it was. You sighed and answered his call for the first time in seven years, "Yes, James?"

"Jeez, that's weird coming out from your mouth."

You rolled your eyes, "What do you want?"

Bucky chuckled, "Hello to you too, doll. Anyway, when are you and Isabelle free? Maybe I could take you too out to breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Maybe all three?"

You sighed looking at your calendar on the wall. Tomorrow was Wednesday, which meant Belle got out of school early, "Tomorrow, we can do lunch. Belle gets out early. Every week, she and I go to Mel's Diner for lunch. You can meet us there."

Bucky was smiling to himself, "It's a date, doll."

You frustratingly grumbled, "It's not a date! And stop calling me doll!"


You mentally cursed him for the way your heart started soaring. It felt like the old days again. But you pushed those feelings aside. Repressed them. You weren't going to get hurt. Not again. Your heart wouldn't be able to take it.

"Good-bye, James."

"Night, beautiful."


Wednesday was here and you were a wreck! You burnt Belle's pancakes, she was almost late for school, and you were locked out of your house, but thank the Heavens above, your neighbor Jane had your spare key.

Can't wait to see you later, doll. ;)

You grumbled to yourself, "Stupid Bucky. Everything was fine and dandy! I was doing fine! But nooo he had to come out of nowhere back into my life again!" You angrily punched at the punching bag letting out all of your stress and frustrations.

"What did the poor bag do to you?" You heard the all too familiar voice of your current frustrations.

You closed your eyes and hung your head back, "Why me?"

Bucky came into view fashioning a grey tshirt, black basketball shorts, and a stupid grin on his face, "You really know how to kick a man down, sweetheart."

You glared at him, "Don't-"

"-call you sweetheart. Yeah, yeah. Not gonna listen to you though."

You went back to the punching bag. Bucky stood there watching you. He took in the black sportsbra you were wearing and the tight black yoga pants that hugged your ass so well. He then observed your form. You knew he was checking you out so you stopped and faced him, "Stop being a creep."

He flashed you a smile, "Sorry. Anyway, your form is wrong. Don't just move your arms." He was about to touch you, but he stopped, "Is it okay if I touch you? To show you?"

You hesitated but eventually said, "Fine."

Bucky stood behind you. One hand was on your hip and the other gripped your shoulder, "You have to move your entire upper torso," He said this as he pushed your torso forward, "To add more force and power. Your punches will add more pain to your opponent."

Without a second thought you followed what Bucky said and you punched. But not the punching bag...Bucky.

Bucky let out a groan of pain as he gripped the shoulder you just punched. That felt exhilarating, "Okay, I think I deserved that."

You picked up your towel and water bottle, "I think you deserve a lot more than that, but I don't think Belle would want to meet her bruised and bloody father." With that you left Bucky to go take a shower and prepare yourself for lunch with him and Belle.

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