Part 4

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You watch as Bucky visibly stiffen at the sound of the all too familiar voice. The long legged blonde haired woman from his past walks up to your table, "Oh my God! Bucky! Hi!"

Bucky gulps, "H-Hi, Dolores."

Dolores pouts, "What? No Dot now?"

You clear your throat, "We'll get going now. Belle has to do her homework and has karate practice later. Come on, sweetie."

Belle takes one last sip of her milkshake and hugs Bucky, "Bye Daddy!" She hops out of the booth and grabs onto your hand immediately.

As you approached the counter to pay, Wanda came out with Bucky's order, "Leaving already?"

You nod, "Yeah, errands to run." You show her the twenty dollar bill and slap it on the counter, "Keep the change. His meal is on me too."

Wanda frowned, "Okay. Bye, Y/N. Bye Belle."

"Bye!" Belle yells as she stepped out of the diner with you.

Bucky groans and runs his hands through his hair. He then glares at the woman that has made herself comfortable across from Bucky, "What do you want?"

"You're a father?"

"Yes. Now what do you want?"

Dolores held up her hands, "No need to get snappy with me. I just wanted to say hi."

He gestured towards the door, "You just ruined lunch with my daughter and my ex-fiance."

Dolores arched an eyebrow, "You mean the one you cheated on with me."

"I don't wanna deal with you right now." He stood up as soon as Wanda came with his food. He gave her an apologetic smile, "Sorry. I have to run. How much do I owe you?"

Wanda shook her head, "Y/N already took care of it."

Bucky nodded and headed out of the diner without looking back at Dolores. He saw you getting into your car ready to drive off. However, by impulse, he decided to stand in front of your car.

You gasped and slammed on the brakes hard. You rolled down the window, "What the heck are you doing?!"

"Hey, I'm sorry about her. I didn't know she was gonna be there."

You rolled your eyes, "It's fine."

Bucky shook his head, "It's not. Everything was going well and then she came along. And-" Bucky gave a defeated sigh, "I saw how upset you looked."

You stared straight ahead gripping your steering wheel tightly, "It doesn't matter. We're not together anymore. You can be with whoever you choose." You try to drive away, but Bucky stops you.

"And I choose you! Y/N, after that day, I lost the best thing that ever happened to me. I was stupid for hurting you like that. For thinking I could get away with it. For making you become a single mother. I regretted what I did ever since, but I'm trying to make up for it. I still love you and I want to show you that. I want to show you that I can be the father that Belle deserves. That I can be the man you deserve. Just please, Y/N, give me a chance."

You took a deep breath and looked at looked at Bucky meeting his watery blue eyes, "Fine. Belle has a tournament tomorrow. I invited Steve, so you can ride with him."

Bucky smiled and nodded, "I'll be there."

Belle's eyes widened, "You're coming tomorrow, daddy?!"

Bucky smiled, "Yeah! I'll see you tomorrow, baby girl!" He looked back at you and gave you a thankful smile, "Thank you, Y/N."

"Don't fuck it up." With that you drove off to your home leaving Bucky to happy dance in the street.


"Am I being stupid, Nat? I'm just letting him come back into my life again and let him be around my daughter! Is that stupid?" You ask your best friend, Nat, over the phone.

"Kinda. But Y/N, it sounds like he really means it. Maybe you'll finally get the happy ending you always wanted."

You groaned and plopped onto your bed, "I don't know if I still want my happy ending with him though."

"Do you still love him?"

You stay silent staring up at the ceiling above you. Then you answer, "I-I don't know. I mean, when he looks at me, I get butterflies in my stomach. But then I remember what he did, and they're gone."

"Sounds like you still love him, to me."

You groan and turn to lie on your stomach, "What do I do, Nat?"

Your best friend sighs into the phone, "I honestly don't know. He seems pretty genuine about winning you back and being a father to Belle. Don't you want that for her?"

"Of course I do! I just don't want to get hurt again."

"He'd be an idiot to hurt you for a second time, Y/N. Just let it flow and see what happens. If you end up not falling in love with him again, okay. That's fine. Just at least let him be in Belle's life. If you do fall in love with him again, let it happen. Be happy again. Get married and be the happy family you're supposed to be!"

You rub your forehead as you think over Nat's words, "Fine, okay. You're right."

"Aren't I always?" You could hear the smirk she's giving.

You roll your eyes, "Shut up. I'll see you at Belle's tournament tomorrow."

"Gotcha! Bye!"


"-and Dolores shows up-"

"Wait, the chick you-"

"Cheated with behind Y/N's back, yes. Anyway, Y/N, God, Steve. My heart broke again seeing her face fall as soon as she heard Dolores' voice. She looked so torn! Then she got up and left with Belle. Dolores tried talking to me, but I wasn't having any of it and I caught up with Y/N before she left. I begged, Steve. I begged so fucking hard for her to give me a chance. To show her I'm the man she deserves. And she agreed! So now I'm gonna be going to Belle's tournament tomorrow with you."

Steve whistled, "You've had a dramatic day, my friend."

"Yeah, tell me about it. So, how do you think I could get Y/N to fall in love with me again?"

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