🌸😔Errormare Sleepover😔🌸

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They're humans and girls in this one because I need me some more lesbians in my life.

Error walks down the sidewalk staring at the ground kicking a rock. Nightmare had invited her to a sleepover. They'd been dating for a while and would visit eachother from time to time but they've never stayed the night.  Nightmare's Dad wasn't very accepting and Error hated it.

Anyways Error was infront of Nightmare's house and knocked on her door. Nightmare's Mother opened the door.
"Hey M-Mrs. Joku!" Error's face lit up.
"Aww, hey Error. How has life been treating you?" Nightmare's Mom let Error in and they sat on the couch.
"It hasn't been t-too well but I'm s-still here." Error fiddled her finger.

"Did something happen?" Nightmare's Mom considered Error family and always would let Error talk to her.
"I lost my Mother, it d-doesn't mater." Error gets up.
"Hey, Error sit back down." Error sits down.
"What?" Error looks at Nightmare's Mom.
"Please talk to Night, she would like you to open up to her."
"Okay Miss, I'll go to her now." Error gets up and heads to Nightmare's room.
"Love you dear!" Nightmare's Mom adds.
"T-Thanks!" Error went in Nightmare's room to she her taking off her shirt.

"U-Um..." Error looks away.
"Oh, hey Error!" Nightmare walks up to her.
"Can y-you put on a s-shirt..?"
"There's no need, Baby is something wrong?"
"N-No, you're just attractive"

"Thanks, want me to set your stuff down?" Nightmare grabbed Error's bag.
"Thanks G-Gale."
"Don't thank me. What do you want to do?" Nightmare set Error's bag on the side of her bed climbing up to be with Error.
"C-Cuddles!" Error hugged Nightmare.
"Pfft, you're soft but look edgy." Nightmare hugged Error back laying down.

They cuddled giggling until Nightmare's door opened, it was her Dad.
"D-Dad!" Nightmare shot up grabbing her shirt.
"What were you to doing..."
"Just cuddling!" Error sat up and hid behind Nightmare.
"You know I don't want her in my house."
"Dad please let her stay, I never get to enjoy some time alone with her..." Nightmare seemed like she was about to cry.
"Mr. Joku, w-why can't I-I stay?"

"You and that s-s-s-stupid stutter again."
"She can't help it!" Nightmare went up to her Dad.
"Night when are you going to date a man?"
"I'm not attracted to men."
Nightmare's Mom came as she heard the shouting.
"What happened?" Nightmare's Mom saw Error crying. "Error!" She ran up to her.

"I-I'm fine Miss."
"What happened..." Her voice was demanding and strict, everyone got more tense.
"Dad won't let me have fun with Error."
"You shouldn't be dating her in the first place!" He slapped Nightmare.
"Why can't you accept that I like girls!?"

"Error what did he do?" Nightmare's Mom started petting Error.
"He m-made fun o-of m-me because m-my s-stutter...he also s-said he didn't w-want me h-here" Nightmare's Mom hugged Error.
"Haru Gonzalez Joku!" Everyone went quiet.
"What..?" Nightmare's Dad looked to the ground scared.
"Why would you mock Error!? Her stutter isn't funny or controllable..."
"M-Miss calm d-down." Error tugged on her arm. Nightmare's Mom took a deep breath.

"Haru leave these two alone, you're sleeping on the couch."
"Calm down woman."
"Get out of my room now." Nightmare pushed her Dad.
"Don't disrespect me!"
"Don't disrespect my Mother or my girlfriend!" Nightmare slams and locks the door.

"He's always a jerk."
"C-Can I get s-something to d-drink?"
"Error you can have anything."
"H-How about your d-daughter's hand in m-marrige?" Error chuckles a bit
"Error oh my God." Nightmare covers her face.
"U-Uh..." Error starts blushing.

"Mom you broke her!" Nightmare sighs sitting next to Error.
"Sorry Nighty, I'm gonna head downstairs to talk to your Dad." Nightmare's Mom used sign language to talk to Error privately. She signed 'Talk to her.'
"I w-will..." Nightmare looked over at Error confused.

Nightmare's Mom left letting the two be alone. Error pat his lap and Nightmare crawled on to her.
"Wanna w-watch a m-movie?" Nightmare looked up at Error nodding.
"Error, what did you mean by 'I will'?"
"Your Mom wants m-me to t-talk to y-you a-about something."
"About what?"

"My M-Mom d-died..."
Nightmare jumped up and hugged her. She started rubbing Error's head making Error cry. Nightmare started humming in Error's ear moving her hands down. Error buries her face in Nightmare's chest causing her to blush.
"You really like my chest." Nightmare rubbed Error's back and Error grabbed Nightmare's arms pulling herself up.

She wiped her eyes and she smiled. Nightmare's heart melted, she never saw Error genuinely smile. She almost teared up, she was the first person to make Error smile.

"Back to the movie topic, which movie would you like to watch?"
"G-Gale can we w-watch sci-fi movies?"
"Of course!" Nightmare pet Error while grabbing the remote.
"A-And one last r-request..."
"Hmm?" Nightmare looked down at her.
"A k-kiss." Error looked away as her heart raced.
"Is that really what you want?" Nightmare grabbed Error's face tilting it towards her. Error nodded happily cupping Nightmare's face with her hands. Nightmare pulled Error in for a kiss and Error kissed back. Error hummed.

Once Nightmare pulled away Error hugged her sitting her on her lap. They cuddled and Nightmare turned on a sci-fi movie. Error chirped making Nightmare snicker, she was in love for sure.

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