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-----> Felix

Chan was freaking beating me again, Minho and Jeongin had already forfeited and Changbin was getting a little angry. Seungmin and Chan were dominating the game and decided to team up against Hyunjin, Han, Changbin, and I. Although I was annoyed at the fact that Chan was beating me at Uno for like the 50th time and I had more than 25 cards in my hand, I couldn't help but feel ecstatic at the fact that Hyunjin was having fun. He was laughing and smiling more than he had for a while now and he was hugging me tightly around the abdomen as I sat in his lap. He really needed something like this.

"Oh come on Channie let me win for once." I groaned, leaning back onto Hyunjin to emphasize my annoyance.

Chan laughed and shook his head vigorously, "No way Lix. I am, and always will be the king of Uno." He said, scooting over to boop my nose.

Hyunjin squeezed me and giggled, "It's ok Lixie, if you can't win I promise I'll beat Chan for you." He said, resting his chin on my shoulder.

I smiled at him, "Thanks, Prince." I said, flinching at the jealous look that formed on Chan's face at my brand new nickname for Hyunjin.

Changbin sighed and set down his cards, crossing his arms and scrunching his face, "There's no way I'm gonna win with this much competition going on so I might as well give up now." He grumbled, laying down abruptly on Jisung's lap.

"Binnie come on, you're no fun." Jisung whined, shaking the crestfallen male below him. 

Changbin just puddled on the floor, scowling at everyone like a cat that hadn't gotten its way. I laughed, finding his display to be amusing.

Seungmin put his arm around Chan, cheering, "Looks like one more competitor is out of our way!" He teased, sticking his tongue out at his grumpy friend. 

Hyunjin raised his eyebrow at Seungmin, smirking, "You do realize that you two will have to turn on each other eventually, two people can't win together." He said, tilting his head.

Chan eyed Seungmin for a second, then shrugged, "I will do anything to win." He ruffled Seungmin's hair, laughing when he got jabbed in the side with a loud grunt.

Jisung sighed and started pulling card after card from the deck, his eyes widening as the cards never stopped coming. He had a good 5 cards more than me and Changbin sat up, trying to help Jisung with possible plans even though it was a pretty easy card game.

After what seemed like forever, Hyunjin managed to win. Chan and Seungmin had been so preoccupied with competing with me and Jisung that they had neglected to notice that Hyunjin's number of cards was going down rapidly. Although there was no prize for winning, Hyunjin looked really happy to win, and I was happy that someone other than Chan was the winner for once. Chan was grumbling to himself and started sulking in the corner while Jisung messed with him. 

"I kinda feel bad for beating Chan." Hyunjin said, looking over to our leader, "It's not something that usually happens and he's pretty competitive so I hope he doesn't get angry."

I shrugged at him, walking towards the door to the practice room, "Nah, he might be mad for a second but he'll forget about it quickly." I said, "You wanna help me make lunch?" I added, grabbing the handle to the door and twisting it.

Hyunjin looked down at the ground and shook his head, "I'll be ok, I kinda just want to rest." He said, his voice seemed distant and it worried me a bit.

"Prince, I'm here for you. If you need anything please don't feel afraid to tell me ok?" I said, my voice light. I hugged him, feeling him hesitate before slightly hugging me back.

"Why are you calling me Prince?" He asked quietly, he sounded pretty confused and I broke the hug.

I shrugged and smiled brightly, "Cuz you look like a prince Jinnie." I said, booping his nose, "And I think that nickname sounds really cute." I added, blushing stupidly. I don't know why but I was starting to fall for Hyunjin and I wasn't sure if it was even a good idea, but I just decided to see how things went. 

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