A Winter Return

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The ship rocked soothingly as it sailed away from Britain into the vast ocean separating the island from the rest of Europe. Prince Frederick was traveling alone and dressed in the clothes a noble might wear so he did not draw attention to himself. It made him chuckle to himself, since he used to enjoy the attention of anyone who would look. He now knew that there were things that were much more valuable. Namely, loved ones who enjoy your company-- that know your soul. So, he was returning to his childhood home to visit his uncle, the man who raised him while his parents were busy ruling Britain.
He leaned on the railing, breathing in the saltwater air and smiling wistfully. The breeze blew his platinum blond hair messily about his head. It was strange being in public without wearing a wig, but freeing in away.

Eventually, the ship reached its destination. Prince Frederick's carriage awaiting him there. He pet the horses gently as he spoke to the coachman.
"How you've grown! You've come into your own quite nicely, Your Majesty." He remarked with a grin.
"Why thank you." Frederick answered, smiling back.
"How is your wife?" The word was like a knife in his throat. Wife. Frederick stopped himself from flinching but became detached from the conversation. His mouth was moving, words were coming out, but he was numb to them. There was no escaping his choice. His marriage of obligation-- the betrayal of his heart. He felt this pain return to him tenfold and found himself sobbing quietly on the way to his uncle's home. The carriage slowly came to a stop. Prince Frederick quickly got himself together before the door opened. He was glad to see his childhood home, despite his sorrow. Frederick inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly, letting go of his sadness to remind himself that this was a happy occasion. Snow had begun to fall. He caught a snowflake in his palm and watched it melt. Closing his hand into a fist, he looked forward and ascended the stairs with a grin. He knocked on the door and briefly conversed with the doorman before stepping inside.
Frederick placed his bag of gifts for his Uncle down near the Christmas tree. He admired the decorations briefly before asking the servant where his Uncle was.
Finding out that his uncle was in the drawing room, he made his way there with haste. His heart pounding and a tingling feeling filling his veins with excitement. He flung the door open with dramatic flair, hoping to pleasantly surprise his uncle, but he froze when red hair met his gaze. He knew that hair better than his own, with its brilliant shade and slight curl at the bottom. His heart plummeted.
Charles.  Why was he here? Surely he himself was married now, or at the very least has a new lover. Frederick's head spun as he stared at the pair of men sitting across from each other. They both looked back at him now, stunned.
"Frederick, my boy! It's so nice to see you!" His uncle exclaimed happily, pulling him onto a hug. Frederick slowly returned it, but his eyes remained pinned to Charles' deep blue eyes. There was still pain in them. Pain he put there. If it was even possible, his heart sank even more. What could he even say to this man who even after all these years held his heart? That he was sorry? It wouldn't fix it. He couldn't turn back the clock, no matter how he wished he could.

(I've been wanting to start this for a few months, so I hope you enjoy this little teaser! I plan to continue this eventually. ❤ This is part of a series I plan on making into a webcomic sometime soon called Bout of Bonds, which you can find art of on Instagram under the hashtag.
Have a great day! 🌸)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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