[ 𝕶𝖔𝖚𝖐𝖆 𝕶𝖎𝖓𝖌𝖉𝖔𝖒 ]

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"My hair is weird, isn't it?" The red haired Princess spoke, directing her question to both her father and sister.

Kouka kingdom was blessed with twin sisters, one with bright red hair and the other with eyes that change shades of white.

"No Yona. It looks fine." The king spoke to his beloved daughter. The sister with red hair was named Yona.

"Yeah! It looks beautiful, what's the fuss?" And the sister with unique eyes was named (Name).

"Right Hak?" Both the Princesses had one bodyguard. Son-Hak, general of the wind tribe.

"You're right, Emperor Il, Princess (Name). But I personally think there's something wrong with her head."

"Pffffft-" (Name) and Hak got along like brother and sister. Where as Yona and Hak had a more. . . complicated relationship.

"Shut up, you arrogant prick." And with that the two engaged in another one of their weird fights.

"Ah. What am I going to do with her?" The emperor walked over to you.

"Well there's no helping it, they get along pretty well!" It's true no matter what those 2 had going on, they've always been together.

"Speaking of getting along, I heard Lord Soo-Won has already arrived."

"Eh! You should of said so sooner!" And so the red haired Princess ran to look for her beloved Soo-won.

" (Name), dear, please go after her, she might bump into someone." Soo-won was the son of Emperor Il's brother. He is elder than the twins. And fancied by Yona.

"Yessir!" You gave a quick salute, and chased after Yona, in your annoyingly long dress.

"Yona! Wait up! You'll bump. . . into someone. Ah, too late!" Even after hearing your warning she bumped right into you're fairly handsome cousin.


"You're looking fine Princess Yona. And You're as loud as always, Princess (Name)."

"Are you guys playing a game of tag?" The lord patted Yona's head and gave her a soft smile.

"Someone told me you arrived, so I came to welcome you." And que Yona's blush.

"Actually, the second she found at you arrived, she ran out the room like a horse!" You rubbed the back of your neck, with a huge smile on your face.

" (Name)! Shut up!"

"Ah, you're both lively as ever! Come here (Name)." You slowly walked towards the duo.

"H-how long are you staying?" As Yona asked her questions, Soo-won patted your head, and gave you a smile.

"I'll be staying all the way till your birthdays! Which reminds me, the both of you are turning 16 right? It feels like yesterday you were born!"

"Yup! You could imagine how fast 16 years have gone by!" You offered him a smile, and glanced at Yona, who was sulking.

"Anyway, Im gonna go find Hak, See ya!" You were going to head back to the room, to report what happened here to Hak. You both were probably gonna go laugh at Yona like pigs again.

"No need Princess. Hak has arrived." Hak appered out of the shadows.

"Yay! Hak!"

"Whoo Hak!"

"Go away! Hak!!"

[. . .]

"Eh? Where are the Princess, and Emperor?"

"Ah! Princess (Name)! Good Morning! Princess Yona and Emperor Il are watching Lord Soo-won and General Hak, by the archery section. Princess Yona asked me the same thing earlier."

[. .]

"Ehhh! Father, Yona's riding a horse! And you let her? No fair!" You watched as Yona tried getting on a horse.

"Hm. . . You can go down as well, but be careful!!" The Emperor took a deep sigh, and looked like he might take back his words.

"Thanks!" You rushed down before he could take back his words. Unlike Yona, you've riden horse's before. In secret. Infact there's a lot of things you've learned in secret due to your fathers restricions.

You got on a beautiful white horse. And trotted to where the trio were.

"Ah, (Name). Glad to see you've joined us!" Soo-won waved a bit, catching Hak's and Yona's attention.

"Eh! (Name)! You can ride a horse?" Yona was as surprised along Emperor Il, although you avoided his gaze.

"Good Job, Princess." Hak gave you a thumbs up, and you stuck your tongue out at the two of them.

"Thank you! Thank you! I am a Princess who can ride a horse!"

"Did you know, (Name)?" Soo-won looked at you, with a grin.

"Huh, know what?" You shot him a puzzled look

"That Yona and Hak were planning to get engaged! Isn't that great!" When you glanced at said people, Yona was as white as a sheet, and Hak had the dumbest look in his face.


[To be Continued. . .]

𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕊𝕌ℕℝ𝕀𝕊𝔼 𝕆𝔽 𝔻𝔸𝕎ℕ | ᴀᴋᴀᴛꜱᴜᴋɪ ɴᴏ ʏᴏɴᴀ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat