Start from the beginning

And to my surprise, it was...Mr Mariano.

By now I had no idea why my body was responding this way ,but it did, and in the moment, I hardly even noticed as I lifted my head to his and our eyes locked.
And....for a split second, I was sure I saw something glowing in his eyes.

Something....Something like—

"I wasn't talking to you" He suddenly spoke, interrupting my thoughts and not only had that brought me back to reality, but it had also made me aware that I was still staring at him. So, in an effort to avoid humiliation, I quickly averted my gaze from him.

"...Oh..." I then proceeded to mumble as an answer to the words he said seconds ago and before the deadly silence had returned, but thankfully, Mr. Mafia soon spoke up, making things less awkward.

"You can leave Elise" He says, turning to the woman that was still present in the room and I watched as madame Elise nodded her head before making her way towards our direction, which was in front of the door, but before she left, she passed me a smile that I would say brightened my day a little.

And was just the two of us....

...once more.

Mr. Mafia could be heard exhaling as the door closed, drawing my gaze back to him, and my eyes followed him as he let go of my hands and began making his way back to his bed.

"My parents will be arriving by this weekend..." He began in a clear voice before halting right before his bed. He continued. "So I believe that It would be best if we...." He paused, a second time and cleared his throat. "...If we....act like...a married couple" Mr Mariano hesitantly finally finishes and I almost choked on my spit when I heard his words.


"Married...Couples?" I questioned in a slow voice, watching as he turned around to face me after hearing my words.

"...Aren't we?" He went on to question and I gulped at his words. I could feel a wave of heat suddenly wash over me as he looked intensely at me and I did not like the feeling. So wanting to get him to look away, I quickly shook my head.

And it seemed to work for Mr. Mafia immediately looked away right after I had nodded.

Finally, he returned to his bed. "You...can sleep on the bed..." He began once more and this time for sure, I choked on my saliva as my eyes widened in shock.


"Y—your bed?" I stuttered out my words and I could hear Mr. Mariano exhaling.

"...Or the couch" He added and I immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

I would say that I was a little happier at this offer as I will be much more comfortable sleeping apart rather than sharing a bed with him.

"Then I'll...take the couch" I answered, slightly happy but frowned a little when I found that for a brief moment, he appeared as if did not seem very...pleased with my answer—

"The bathroom is on your right" He suddenly spoke and once more disrupted my thoughts. However, I did not mind and instead nodded as a response.

And while we're on the subject of bathrooms, I believe I should have an early shower today. After all, I won't be in my own space anymore; instead, I will be sharing one with this...devil and I have no idea on the time he showers everyday so in order to not bother him nor mess up his shower schedule, I believe it would be best if I shower now.

"...Then...I'll be in the bathroom..." I announced, my eyes quickly glancing his way. However, this time he did not seem to care at all as he picked up the tiny book again and his eyes instead returned to it.

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