raelynn gasped loudly.

"what is it?" dream asked.

"NO WAY." quackity yelled.

karl furrowed his brows. "huh?"

"what?" george said, sounding confused.

"RAELYNN" quackity yelled again



raelynn sighed, putting her head in her hands. of course out of the 5 of the boys she had to live closest to karl. you have got to be kidding.

"mhmm..." she hummed silently, looking at karl's stream again. he was staring at his computer with wide eyes and his mouth was agape.

the fact that she could've seen him before without realizing made her feel weird.


Karl's POV

karl sat silently, the discord call had gone completely silent.

"wait what?" he asked, deciding to scroll through the chat on his stream.

the sound of dream, george, sapnap and quackity's laughter filled the call, ending the silence.


"HOW THE HELL WOULD I KNOW?" karl shouted in response.

"I have decided that I am now moving I do not want to live anywhere near karl. goodbye." raelynn said, a hint of humor in her voice.

"are you serious?" karl said, putting his head in his hands.

the fact that he could've seen her before without realizing made him feel weird.

he hated the fact that she could see him somewhere and he wouldn't even know.

a loud sigh could be heard from across the call, karl guessed that it was rae's.

"can we just play now?" sapnap asked.

everyone silently agreed and went to play the game.

they were in a survival world. karl went to get some materials and everyone else did the same.

a few minutes later raelynn came running up to him in game with an ace in her hand. she had beat him to death with an axe.

her loud laugh echoed within his headset. he felt his face warm up. why did he like it? why did he like her laugh so much? why did it make his stomach go all weird?

he cleared his throat as he pressed respawn.

"that was a dick move." he muttered.

"fuck off, you deserved it." she replied.


raelynn laughed so hard that she snorted, causing his stomach to explode with butterflies. he absolutely hated it.

why was the girl that tormented him on twitter making him act up.

"Karl are you blushing?" quackity giggled.

"WHAT NO!" he yelled.

was he?

"HE IS!!" sapnap laughed, causing the rest of the call to break into a fit of laughter.

"Aw karl, I knew you had a crush on me." raelynn chuckled.

"I DON'T."

"He's in denial." dream snorted.

"I'M NOT."

"oh he definitely is," george agreed.


hey :)
ty for reading, I love you.
remember to drink water
and try to eat
something if possible.

also vote and comment? ty
I appreciate it <3

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