🥀Chapter 28: Out for Fun🥀

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"Off, calm down." Gun said as he placed his hand on top of Off's, which rested on his thighs as his legs wouldn't stop shaking up and down. "You're way too nervous."

"And whose fault do you think that is?" Off sulks as he turned to look at Gun, feeling a little bit relaxed now from the touch but still nervous.  "Only five bodyguards? Really? What if something happens? We should have gotten more! Like someon–"

"Ahhh!" Gun sighs loud enough to cut Off off as he leans back against the car seat. "We're going to the grocery store, not a field trip. The more people you bring, the more attention you'll get. 5 is more than enough." Gun says as he once again looks at Off. "And we don't want a lot of attention, do we?"

"Yeah, but do we really have to go to the grocery store? If you needed something, I could have asked my people to make it. Outside food is d-"

"Outside food is dangerous." Gun rolled his eyes as he finished Off's sentence. "I know. But I want to go grocery shopping and make my own food. I haven't done it in a while. Plus, who's crazy enough to poison every food in the store for us?!" Gun looked at him with a confused face.

"Well, someone could have!"

"Big chance! Now stop complaining, we're here!" Gun removes his hands from Off's lap, which made the mafia boss a little disappointed but It didn't last long as Gun got out of the car and soon pulled him out as well, since the taller male was still hesitating.

"Why are we here so fast?" Off asked as he looked at the grocery store in front of them.

"Because if you ever got out of your house and looked around, you would have known how many stores are nearby." Gun explains. "I used to come here all the time with my mom. This place has a lot of good things." Gun looked a little sad remembering his mother.

Off looked at the smaller male before putting his hand out in front of a Gun. "Hmm?" Gun questions he looked at the hand.

"Well, when you are a little, you were not allowed to get out of my grip. It would make me feel safer if you held my hand." Off explained.

"Oh really? Or is that an excuse to hold my hand?" He giggles.

"Both." Off smiles big when Gun grabs his hand.

"Let's gooo!" The smaller male pulls the taller by hand to the store as the bodyguards follow after.

"This, this, that and oh– this!" Gun was filled with excitement as he grabbed many different types of ramen from the shelves, holding on to Off's arm too.

"So much ramen. Why do we need all that?" Off questioned as he pushed the cart along the aisle.

"Because you guys don't have a single pack of ramen in the kitchen. It's all handmade spaghettis or whatever." Gun sighs as he grabs a different brand of ramen and adds it to the cart. "Plus what if I get hungry and want a quick snack at night? I'm not having people cook for me in the middle of the night."

"If you want, we could just have extra meals prepared in the fridge."

"Nope. Nothing could beat midnight stack like a packet made ramen."

"Okay, okay, you win." Off chuckles as they exited the ramen aisle and entered the freezer aisle. "I haven't had ramen in a while. The last time I remember was probably in high school." Off smiles a little remembering those good old days.

"Really? Well today we can change that."

"Okay, but we ca- oh my god!" Off paused in the middle of the aisle as his eyes caught something. "No way, is that Meltykiss Chocolate!?" Off rushes towards the item as quickly as lightning as he opens the freezer door and takes out the item. "No way!" Off's mouth was wide open with a smile as he held out the delicious item in front of Gun.

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