Chapter 4: Enemy Agent

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Cleo and Ori had booked it from the school and managed to make it to Ori's house. Ori looked out of breath as he coughed and heaved while Cleo was zoning out, thinking back to what Donald had said to them.

"What just happened!?" Ori wheezed.

"I honestly have no idea." Cleo replied.

"Well apparently spies are real!" Ori exclaimed "Oh my god, spies are real."

"He said I passed the requirements, does that mean that they're going to come after me?" Cleo asked worriedly.

"M-maybe not, maybe the work for the government or something." Ori suggested.

"No, when I was listening I heard him clearly say that his organization was evil...oh my god they do work for the government!" Cleo exclaimed.

"Well let's just call the cops, let them handle this mess." Ori suggested.

"No that won't work." Cleo said.

"And why not?" Ori asked.

"We call the police and tell them that we were attacked by a spy and they'll think we're prank calling them and if we did manage to get to them then I doubt Weirdmor would still be around the school since he's a spy and all, they're pretty much known for covering their tracks." Cleo explained "Our best bet would be heading to the police department and filing a report in person."

"The police department is all the way in the city, how are we supposed to get there?" Ori asked.

"Wait, you want to go right now? I was talking about tomorrow, two teenagers out in the city alone would be dangerous and I've already had my fill of danger today." Cleo said.

Ori sighed "So what now?"

"Let's just calm down and figure things out tomorrow." Cleo said.

"Alright." Ori conceded "We'll figure all this out tomorrow."

"It's a good thing you're home at least, I'm gonna head out now." Cleo said as she took out her phone and started tapping on the screen.

"You're gonna walk home alone after this whole fiasco?" Ori asked.

"What? No, I ordered an Uber like a normal person." Cleo responded, putting her phone back in her pocket.

"Oh, well thanks." Ori said.

"Thanks for what?" Cleo asked.

"For saving my butt yet again, you're like my guardian angel Dougie." Ori teased with a smile.

"You watched me break someone's arm tonight, don't test me 'O Brien." Cleo joked as she gave him a soft punch to the shoulder.

A black car pulled up and honked at them and Cleo took out her phone to see it pixelating for a second but then it went back to normal and her Uber app said her ride had arrived.

"Wow these guys are getting faster by the day." Cleo commented.

"Yeah, they took like five minutes to get here." Ori said.

"Like or exactly five minutes?" Cleo asked with a smirk.

Ori shrugged "4 minutes, 47 seconds."

Cleo chuckled as she hugged him "I love the way your mind works man, you could be an accountant in the future."

"If I ever have an idea like that then that's when I give you permission to really break my arm." Ori responded as he hugged her back "See you tomorrow?"

"Obviously." Cleo responded as she let go and walked towards the Uber with a wave.

Ori waved back as Cleo entered the car and he went inside of the house. Cleo sat in the back seat and put on her seat belt as the car started moving.

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