-·=»‡«=·- 𝕜𝕒𝕣𝕝 -·=»‡«=·-

Start from the beginning

Karl smiled and shrugged. "Maybe with your company that wouldn't happen."

Eventually, they found themselves standing in front of Sapnap's garage. Like the first time Karl visited, Sapnap pulled at the tucked string and tugged open the garage door. The two of them walked inside, Sapnap walking ahead towards the corner of the garage.

Karl followed behind him, mimicking his movements even as he kneeled next to a cardboard box. Sapnap pulled off the cover gently like it held something valuable.

What Karl didn't expect was a tiny kitten head to pop out of it.

A gasp escaped Karl's lips. The kitten let out a mew and he couldn't help but reach out and pet it. "You kept it," He whispered.

Sapnap grinned. "Of course I kept it."

The kitten lept out of the box and made Karl coo. Sapnap softly grabbed the cat's leg and inspected it, checking in on the wound. Karl was too busy coddling the animal to even notice what he was doing.

"It's name is Mars," Sapnap murmured after he let go of the leg.

Karl scratched the kitten's head, the soft purr making his heart flutter. "Mars is adorable," Karl replied. Mars snuggled deeper into his lap which caused him to let out a coo at the action. Then he looked up at Sapnap with a playful glare. "And you tried to leave him there."

Sapnap rolled his eyes with a smile. "That was before I named him," He insisted.

The admission made Karl grin. "So you're attached?"

Sapnap shoved Karl on the shoulder, making him fall back on the garage floor with laughter. "No, shut up," He said, even though he was blushing a little.

Karl calmed himself down and sat up, bringing Mars closer to his chest.

Sapnap's face seemed to fall a bit as he looked back at the box. "My dad tried to make me get rid of him."

Karl frowned at the revelation. Why did he still have the cat, then? He didn't dare ask the question aloud, though. He just watched Sapnap's expression as the other looked down at his own lap.

"I tried to, I really did," Sapnap explained. "But, I dunno... he just looked so helpless when I set him down on the grass. I couldn't do that to him."

Sapnap's voice was full of meaning. Karl had never seen him talk like that before. So he couldn't help but scoot closer to him and rest his head on his shoulder, sharing the kitten between their laps. Sapnap visibly brightened up and reached for Mars, who was on Karl's lap, and pet its fur.

Every time Sapnap's arm brushed against Karl's stomach, he couldn't help but blush.

"So you are attached to him?" Karl pointed out, trying to break the trance he was in.

But Sapnap's response didn't help. "I guess he's grown on me." Damn. Something about someone like Sapnap admitting his soft side was just...

Karl couldn't focus any longer. His mind was in a haze as he picked his head off of Sapnap's shoulder and looked at him in the eyes.

Sapnap's eyes were hypnotizing. He was strong and tough, but his eyes displayed so much emotion that Karl felt like he could feel everything Sapnap thought. Something about the way his eyebrows were tilted upwards held this look of desperation.

Sapnap reached forward and placed his hand on Karl's cheek. The touch was hot. Sapnap's thumb traced Karl's bottom lip and made his breath hitch.

Then Sapnap lunged forward and attached his lips onto Karl's. Sapnap's other hand held the back of Karl's neck for support as Karl fell backwards slightly, his elbows holding him up from hitting the ground completely. Sapnap leaned over him and kissed him aggressively, but Karl placed his hand on Sapnap chest to push him away slightly.

Sapnap broke apart and was practically panting. He stared at Karl with confusion and desperation. Karl let out a hum and his hand gripped onto Sapnap shirt and pulled him back in, allowing Karl to take the lead this time.

This kiss was more slow and gentle. Sapnap was following Karl's lips, matching his pace and leaving behind a sense of passion. It was soft, something Karl knew Sapnap had ever tried before, clearly, since Sapnap struggled to try and keep himself from becoming more forceful.

It was amazing. Karl had never had something like this before. His heart has never beat this fast in his life, not even before a baseball game.

Oh, Karl would much prefer this over a baseball game.

The two finally broke apart when Mars let out a meow of frustration. Karl guessed that being squished between them probably wasn't the most comfortable position.

Sapnap was disheveled by it. Karl wondered if he'd ever felt like that towards somebody before. By the looks of it, Sapnap was a blushing mess. Karl didn't even want to know how red he was.

"That was..." Sapnap said, but his voice seemed to trail off. He was struggling for something to say.

Karl already knew what he meant. "Awesome?" He finished for him.

Sapnap's head snapped up to look at Karl and he smirked. "Yeah," He replied, still catching his breath. "Yeah, it was awesome."

Awesome indeed.

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