Chapter II- Meeting the maids

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The ship seemed to effortlessly sail in the air as the carefree wind rushed through (Y/n)'s hair. Together, the duo headed homewards to Popstar. After a bit of reasoning, (Y/n) persuaded Meta Knight to lay off of fighting Galacta Knight alone and to gather his crew to fight alongside him. "Une you have any experience in handling weaponry?" He questioned.
Rubbing her chin, she thought about the question. "Well, I'm partially experienced with firearms.." she admitted. "Melee weapons I'm not so good with. Guns and such are much easier to handle and a lot less hassle."
The Knight sounded a bit discontented with her answer, but didn't hold it against her. "I heard humans were skilled with knives, are they only rumors?" He frowned, his eyes now orange in confusion.
"Well, no. Knife crime is a pretty big issue. It's not hard to stab an unarmed citizen though so.." she trailed off.
"Oh, I had no idea that happened on your planet. I assumed that all of you were good with short range weaponry." He admitted.
A long silence filled the air. The swordsman continued to steer the ship towards Popstar as (Y/n)'s view was drawn to the stars. I'm..out in space. Should I be dead since there is no oxygen up here? She wondered to herself.
Before long, she found the ship heading towards a star shaped planet with two rings around it. "This is Planet Popstar?" (Y/n) asked, astounded by the natural beauty of the planet.
"Well, yes." He replied. "This is Planet Popstar."
Soon enough, the ship was slowly descending. The swordsman planned on landing his ship as close to the castle as possible. To (Y/n), this entire place was so new and very welcoming. A cooling breeze filled the air with flurries of clouds occupying the skies. Finally, the Halberd had landed safely besides Castle Dedede. Politely, Meta Knight offered to show her around Dreamland and to introduce her to the wonderland she now called home. Of course, she wanted to go with him to see everything there was to be seen. However, before they could even get off the ship, his crew came to greet him home. "Sir Meta Knight! You've finally returned home, what took so long?" Captain Vul anxiously asked him.
"I'll explain everything later. We have a new addition to the crew. Meet (Y/n), a new maid aboard the Halberd." He introduced. "(Y/n), these are the members of my crew. May I introduce you to Captain Vul, Sailor Waddle Dee, Axe Knight, Mace Knight, Javelin Knight and Trident Knight."
Looking at the people in front of her, she made a mental note of each of their names. Surprisingly, none of the maids had came to greet him. That was until a girl scampered out of the castle, wearing a maid costume. Her ombre hair went from a dark brown to a summery blonde. The length of her hair was short and she had a fringe that covered both her eyes. She was quite short and looked very timid. "Welcome home, Sir Meta Knight." She meekly greeted, bowing.
Turning to the newbie, the girl fumbled with her hands. "I assume this is the new girl, yes?" She boldly questioned.
"Yes, this is (Y/n). Go take her to greet the others and make sure she feels comfortable." He ordered.
Listening to his command, she lead (Y/n)  back inside the castle where she met a few more humans. "Pleasure to meet you, (Y/n). I am Head Maid, Mollie. Any questions that you have, I can answer." She said, introducing herself.
(Y/n) gazed around the room at the few others who sat around the table. The Head Maid turned around to the lockers behind her and searched for a uniform for (Y/n).
"Well, this new blood will be interesting.." A girl with black hair piped up. "My name's Veronica."
One by one, the girls introduced themselves as Mollie searched in the lockers.

There was:

Veronica: The tallest girl in the group. She has long black hair and purple eyes and is a lesbian. Currently, she is dating another maid called Alice. She has a bad girl attitude but is real soft towards the people she likes. Often, she sorts things with physical actions and usually ends up being scolded by Meta Knight when she does so. She holds a personal grudge against Freya.

Alice: A light hearted softie who has a green eye and a blue eye. She has blonde hair that reaches just below her shoulders and she is especially kind to her fellow maids. She is also a lesbian and is with Veronica. Usually, she talks things out with people where possible.

Mollie: Head of the Maids. She has short, ombre hair and a fringe that covers her eyes. Most of her days are spent cleaning and dusting. Most of the maids are quite close with her and know a bit about her backstory. She's great friends with Alice and Veronica.

Freya: A brunette who likes to blame everything on the others. Usually, she manages to weasel her way out of punishments but it doesn't always work. She hates Veronica with all of her will. Freya wants to befriend Mollie but Mollie is awfully quiet and hardly speaks with anyone other than telling them of their chores.

Saffron: A girl who is quite tan who has dyed hair that fades from a pastel purple to blue and then pink. She has blue eyes and is quite chatty. She has her sisters aboard and likes to do everything to a high standard. Mollie is often pleased by her work.

Persephone: One of the sisters of Saffron. She also likes working her hardest to impress not only Mollie but also Meta Knight. She enjoys being praised for her work and really respects all the people on board the ship. Her hair is average length and is a oceanic blue. To match, her eyes are a fair blue.

Angelica: Truly an angel. As her name suggests, she is well behaved and does her work without being questioned. Her hair is a platinum blonde and her eyes are a sunlight yellow. Just like her sister Persephone, she enjoys praise and wants to impress Mollie and Meta Knight. Also a sister of Saffron.

Ebony: Another sister of Saffron. She has short, black hair and loves getting a tan. Most of her time is spent on the deck of the Halberd. She likes to take pride in her appearance and wears medium hoop earrings. Her eyes are a nice piercing, pastel blue. She is sly and eavesdrops on many conversations. This means she knows a bit more about the crew's captain than everyone else. She likes to welcome newbies with open arms and likes listening to their stories.

Aboard the Halberd (Meta Knight X female reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن