Chapter 12 - Rhysand

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My hart broke all over again, this beautiful female who had destroyed herself for a love that could never last and now she was hurting even more.

I kept whispering to her long after she had fallen asleep, stroking her hair and holding her close.

"Come on Rhys, I'll take you to her room," Aelin said softly, crouching next to us.

I looked up and met eyes of understanding, I stood, holding Feyre close to my chest as Aelin led me back through the doors Feyre had only come through half an hour ago.

I lay her gently on the bed, with Aelin's help I got the dress off her and put her in a soft night dress before tucking her in.

"She will be ok," Aelin whispered.

"How do I help her?" I asked, not looking away from her peaceful face.

"You let her choose, love her, give her time and space but also make sure she knows you are there for her." Aelin said with a sad smile.

"I'm sleeping in here tonight," I said, not leaving room for debate.

"We can set up a cot of you want," she offered but I shook my head, the chair was fine.

"Goodnight Rhys," she said before closing the door behind her.

I sat in the chair next to Feyre's bed and stared at her, peaceful, I hoped I could keep that peace for her, take all of her troubles, but I knew that wasn't possible, especially with the coming conflict.

I didn't want to fall asleep, I wanted to watch over her and make sure she was safe but I couldn't help it when my eyelids drooped and I slipped into darkness.

"Rhys," Feyre's soft voice said as she shook my shoulder.

My eyes flickered open and I saw her hovering over me, grinning.

"Morning," I mumbled, stretching out my stiff body.

"Did you sleep on the chair all night?" she asked as she perched on the edge of the bed.

"I wanted to make sure you were ok," I replied, heat rising to my cheeks.

She let out a chuckle and it was the most beautiful sound. She stoo d and walked over to me, perching on my lap.

"I don't suppose you know a wy to get us home," she asked, but the words barely registered.

She was sitting on my lap.

"Rhys," she sighed, waving her hand in front of my face.

"Right, yes, I have a way home." I replied, blinking a couple of times.

"I think we should start heading home," she said with a small smile.

"Before we do, I would like to ask you something," I said quietly.

"Well that doesn't worry me at all," she replied with a mall frown.

"I was hoping you would not only do me the honour of me being your mate but that you would let me make you my High Lady, my equal in every way." I said in a bit of a rush.

Feyre was gaping at me, obviously stunned.

"You would really want that?" she asked a little awed.

"Of course, you don't have to make your decision yet but please think about it." I told her as I pushed some hair out of her face.

"I will," she said with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Come on, we can't say our goodbyes in night clothes," I said with a grin and we began to change.

Once we were ready we walked down to the dining room hand in hand, Aelin beamed when she saw us but her smile soon faded.

"You're going, aren't you," she said quietly.

"Yes, we have a war to fight," Feyre practically whispered.

I'd forgotten I told her about the war.

"please stay safe, and come visit some time," she said, standing.

Our goodbyes were brief, Feyre taking longer than me.

She nodded at me when she was done and I followed the directions Amren had given me to make a portal back home. Once I had done what she said and swirling black appeared Feyre rose onto her toes and whispered a single word into my ear.


So the High Lord and High Lady of the Night Court walked back home.

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