She looked at Malfoy's hands smoothing over Pansy's black hair,it felt odd watching him display an act of physical affection to someone other than sexual encounters.She wondered if he'd ever play with her hair but she dismissed that thought fast and called it idiotic.

"Oh" She tucked her hair behind her ear and looked around the room, "Well I'm used to doing things the muggle way at home".

She didn't know if they wanted to hear about her sob story ,Malfoy already knows what she went through but not everything.She is scared that if she opens up they will pity her.

"You don't have elves around?" Theo asked ,he sounded too over this conversation.

"We do but I have to do chores to get what I want" Davina straightened her pants again,she bit her bottom lip afraid that she shared too much.

"You had to do that too?" Pansy gave her a soft smile "My father does the same,everytime I ask for something I have to do some work the muggle way to earn it,"

"When did we open a healing session?" Adrian rolled his eyes,supporting a smirk on his face.

No one answered Adrian's preposterous question but Davina spoke "You know it's rather calming ,cleaning my room the muggle way or washing the dishes" She smirked,a trait she inherited for the blond she lives with.

"Yess that's what I feel too,it's not chores when it calms you down".

The room was very quiet,none of the boys and Daphne dared to speak .Pansy raised her head from Malfoy's shoulder and leaned into her hand that was on the sofa's arm.

Theo spoke up "Not the bonding about how calming child abuse is".

They all went into a fit of laughter,Davina hid her grin with her small hand ,flushed over the topic of discussion.

She didn't know that Pansy Parkinson went through something familiar to her at her household,it looks like some pureblooded families share the same mindset on discipline or whatever the fuck they call it.

She feels like she is sitting with family,she has gotten rather close with Malfoy's friends and they all seem to like her well enough to invite her to literally anything they do together even if Malfoy himself is against the notion.

Davina was picking at her cuticles deep in thought about how life was at 'home' ,Theo's wording to the situation is playing in her head,is it really child abuse? Or is it just a toxic household?.

The others were talking about some ball that's happening before Christmas,she excused herself and went to the bathroom to freshen up.

She washed her hands with ice cold water,this always calmed her down.She was looking at her hands as the water hit them ,she didn't hear the door to the bathroom open until a husky voice spoke "Claire?".

She looked up and gasped lightly, "Yeah?" she avoided eye contact with the blond wizard in front of her,why is he here to make fun of me?

"You..alright?" Malfoy looked like the words hurt him,he ruffled his hair and she wondered if it was as soft as it seems.She closed the faucet and went to grab the towel "Yes!" she sounds too excited it came out as a squeak,when she turned around to leave he was still standing there.

"I know that what Pans asked is uncomfortable for you ,I promise it won't happen again" He put his hands in his pockets maintaining eye contact with the witch.

"It doesn't bother me you know,I was just surprised by the question," She wet her lips, "And I'm fine I promise" She smiled at him but then quickly realized that they were not friends but what surprised her was his next words ,said in a gentle tone "Let's go back to our dorm and make tea,yeah?" he nodded but didn't wait for her to reply ,he opened the door and went out.

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