
Later on in the night I got a text from Allison.

Allison <3

-Make sure that you are ready in half an hour, we have a surprise for you.


-Allison I love you, but not today.

Allison <3

-We aren't taking no for an answer, see you in 20.


I got ready, I didn't really know what to wear but I just made sure that my tears were dried and it didn't look like I had been crying.

I heard a beep from out side and when I looked I saw Allison and Lydia in the car. I didn't know how things would be with Lydia after today, but I just wanted to distract myself.

I ran out of the house and climbed into the back of the car. I wasn't sure where we going but I just listened to the conversation that they were talking about in the car, I just waited for us to arrive. When I looked closer I saw that we had pulled up into an ice-skating rink. I hated ice-skating.

Scott and Stiles were waiting at the door for us. When they got out they smiled and waved at all of us. Scott went away with Allison too skate and Stiles was obsessing over Lydia. I hated skating so I just went over to the vending machine to get some snacks. I sat on the seats watching Lydia skate perfectly, I looked over at Stiles who had his jaw on the floor. I rolled my eyes at the whole situation.

Scott was falling over everywhere and Allison was just laughing at him. Lydia was loving the attention from Stiles and I was just sat on the sides bored out of my mind.

I got out my phone and placed in my ear phones. I started to listen to music and tried to forget about everything that had happened today. Music was my escape from reality, it eased my anxiety and was always there for me when everything else failed.

My music was overtaken when I heard the screams of my best friend. I looked over at the ice, where Lydia was screaming on the ground. Stiles had his hands wrapped around her, trying to comfort her. The girl continued to scream and cry on the ice.

Allison and Scott came running up to her, to check that she was ok.


The next day, I missed school. I really didn't want to see anyone from my friend group. I didn't feel like I belonged in Beacon Hills. I felt like my friends barely even knew me. I know that their hearts were in a good place but they hardly even knew thew things that I liked.

"Hey honey. How are you feeling?" My mom asked me. She had come in from work and was here to check up on me.

"I'm okay." I coughed.

"I brought you some medicine and I also made you some food." She placed a tray down next to me. I smiled at my mom's kindness. She was barely ever in the house so when she was it was really fun.

"Thanks mom." I smiled at her.

"I called your friends and asked if they could check on you later because I have a late night shift. If they want to sleep over then that is fine." She smiled at me.

"Which friends?" I asked her.

"Well I asked Sheriff Stilinski if Stiles would come over, I know that Stiles is a boy but you two have been friends for years so I trust him here. Sheriff said that he would be here to check on you after he has finished school." She smiled. "There is money downstairs for you to use for food if you need it." She kissed me on the forehead before slowly walking out of the door.

My Stilinski. (enemies to lovers).Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant