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I climbed into Stiles' jeep, this time Scott let me sit in the front. The ride was long and awkward, I was confused as to why they invited me along with them because they never do. "So how was your little date with Issac?" Scott asked.

"It wasn't a date and I don't want to talk about it." I spat out.

"Awww does Isaac not really like you?" Stiles mocked, the words hurt to hear so in the moment anger took over me and I blurted out what I didn't want to.

"He didn't show okay! I waited for 30 minutes and he didn't show up." I shouted.

"That little shit." Stiles said.

"Why do you care Stiles? You're obsessed with Lydia." I snapped at him.

"I don't care. I just don't like Issac, told you it was a bad idea." He laughed.

"Fuck off Stiles." I said undoing my seat belt.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked.

"Drop me off here." I said to them.

"What no!" Stiles snapped.


"Stiles stop the car man." Scott said.

Stiles reluctantly slowed down the car, I yanked open the door before slamming it shut. I fixed the jacket on my body so that it was now keeping me warm. I walked off into the night.

Suddenly I felt a car pull up behind me, it was Stiles jeep. He climbed out of the jeep and ran straight towards me. He grabbed my arm and turned me to face him, he pulled me into a hug and I didn't know why. I tried to push him off but he didn't let me. "Listen, I will take you anywhere you want. I just can't let you walk home alone." I looked up at him and nodded before I climbed back into the jeep.

"Where's Scott?" I asked.

"He's gone to Deaton's by himself." The boy replied.

"Ok so where do you want to go?" He asked me.



The drive was quiet and awkward, we barely shared a word in the time that we were together. "Why do you hate me?" He asked me.

I turned to face him not knowing what to say. "I don't know, I could ask you the same." I replied.

I looked round to the street where were and I saw my house standing there. "There it is." I said to him.

When we pulled up to my house, he stopped the car and let me climb out before doing the same himself. "What are you doing?" I asked the boy.

"Coming into your house." He replied.

"No you're not." I snapped before running into my house.

"I'll just knock again so your mom can invite me in." He said.

"My moms at work." I replied.

"Oh." A smirk emerged on the boys face.

"Stiles we aren't friends, just go home." The boys face looked hurt, like I had said something horrible.

"Right." He said, he stomped back to his car and rapidly sped off.

I walked into my house and quickly ran up to my room, I hated showing people my emotions but right now I really needed to cry. I had just been stood up by the one boy I really liked, me and my best friend had fallen out, I was trying to stay strong for everyone but it was hard sometimes. I always tried to hide my anxiety from everyone but sometimes it was hard, especially when I tried to hide it from the werewolves who could sense all emotions.

My Stilinski. (enemies to lovers).Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt