"It's going to be okay." She mutters and the droplets continue to bead her hair. They move through the strands and drip down onto her chilled face, we're soaked to the bone. I hold her waist with my frozen hands and pull her close, I inhale everything. The scent of her wet hair that's sticking to her face. Just.. her.

My lips find hers again and we're kissing like crazy, like our lives depend on it. Her tongue slips inside my mouth, gentle but demanding and it's nothing like I've ever experienced. My veins throb; my heart explodes and suddenly I'm not so cold anymore. I take a step forward, my foot splashing into a puddle which then floods my shoe but I didn't care. I take another step forward, and another and another until Asami presses against one of the lampposts. Well I think it's a lamppost.

My hands start to roam up her sides, pressing against her coat so I can feel the curves of her body. Her fingers tug at my hair as she lets out a muffled moan into my mouth. The rain pours harder and starts to pound against our skin, draining through in between our mouths before we pull away panting. Her eyes aren't angry anymore, they shine my favourite green shade.

"Okay." I mutter, slowly trailing my hand down her arm until I get to lace our fingers together.
"Let's go before we both freeze to death."


My hands began to feel clammy against the cold metal of the front door handle. Shivering in my rain soaked clothes, I wait there for a moment and bite the side of my cheek. My ears ring knowing that Asami will see my mum that's probably too drunk to even recognise us. This is a bad idea, bringing Asami here. I don't know how my mum will react.

I feel cold skin touch the top of my hand that was latched onto the handle. I turn my head and Asami is there smiling back at me through chattering teeth. I chuckle and press a kiss to her cheek before opening the front door. It's always unlocked so we just walk right in to the warmth of my house. I take a deep breath in through the nose, no whiskey, no cigarettes.. it's that daisy smell again. Asami steps through and closes the door, sighing as she hugs herself to generate a little more heat.

I take my coat off and hang it up and I kick my shoes to the side. It's quiet. She must be asleep, passed out upstairs somewhere or on the sofa. I peak into the kitchen, nothing but the piles of bills from earlier.

Asami shivers again and I can hear her chattering teeth from down the hall.
"Wait here." I whisper and carefully step upstairs to fetch her some sort of towel. I search every room upstairs, even my own, before grabbing a towel from the bathroom. She's not up here, so she must be in the living room.

"Thank you." Asami whispers as I wrap the towel around her shoulders. Then the living room door opens and Asami's gaze turns from me to the person standing behind me.

"Oh Korra you're back. I was worried that you might've been swept away by the sudden rain."
I slowly turn around. I blink thrice at the woman standing in front of me.

It's my mum but.. it doesn't even look like her. Half of the white shirt she's wearing is roughly tucked into her trousers whilst the other half flows around freely. Her hair, which is normally some sort of tousled mane when she wakes up, has actually been combed through and pulled neatly into two braids like they used to be all those months ago.
"And you've brought a friend.." Her voice is croaky still but it's clearer than usual. My eyes widen even more. Is she..? is she sober?

My mouth refuses to move, I'm completely gobsmacked. I hear Asami shuffle next to me and soon her hand extends out towards my mum.
"Hi, I'm Asami."

"Oh so you're Asami, Korra's told me a lot about you. I'm Senna."
My mum gladly takes her hand and shakes it. Her brow furrows for a moment and she clasps another hand onto Asami's.
"Goodness me, you're like ice. How long were you two in the rain for?" She asks. Asami shrugs with her shakey shoulders. My mum places a gentle hand onto Asami's back and gestures her upstairs.
"I can't have you freezing. Take yourself upstairs, Korra will have some clothes for you somewhere I'm sure she won't mind."

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