0.4 What's a Soul's Worth?

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I've honestly trying to rewatch this show to get a better insight on these chapters.
So far things have been going smoothly.

"Did you the angered mob of witches, Nox, at the Spellmans?" The darker skinned witch asked. "Wonder what caused that?"

"Sabrina Spellman didn't sign her name in the Book of the Beast. What a tragedy," Nox says sarcastically as Celeste tossed for wood into the open fire pit.

"Azazel is going to have a field day with that news," Celeste comments backing away from the fire to watch the wood burn. "But I doubt that's going to stop the Church of Darkness. They'll find a way to get her."

"If not them but Satan himself," Azazel says walking into the cabin. "He was pouting when I last spoke with him."

"Can he even pout? His head is that of a goat?" Nox wonders. They crushed herbs with a mortar and pestle.

"Not the point. With Sabrina Spellman not signing the Book of the Beast, The church of the Night will put the Spellman Family to court," Azazel points out.

"But she didn't sign her name. It's not like her name was there to begin with," Celeste frowns in confusion.

"If there's one thing Lucifer hates, it's not getting his way. Doesn't matter if its a witch's soul," Azazel mutters.

"Feathers, you're losing us," Nox tells him. The Prince only glances at his two witches before leaving the cabin. "Can never stand what's going on his head."

"Internal torment. Screams of the Fallen." Celeste lists a few possibilities.


"Sabrina? Sabrina, are you alright?" Aspen called out to the distant witch. Tapping her shoulder carefully.

Snapping out of her worried trans, Sabrina was able to assure him of his worries. Even though she was lying through her teeth.

"So Aspen, how's it been adjusting to Baxter High," Sabrina asked the transfer student as they walked through the halls to meet up with Susie and Harvey at the stairwell.

"T'is been well. I've been getting my English better. Baxter High's been well," Aspen replies.

"That's wonderful. I'm happy for you." The witch was glad that her new friend was adjusting well at his new school. The four of them sat at the stairway eating their lunches. Aspen and Harvey had been chatting together to get to know each other while Sabrina zoned out once more. Though it took Aspen to notice after 3 minutes of her silence to get Harvey to snap her out her thoughts.

"Hey, you okay? You're, like, a million miles away," Harvey says.

"Yeah. Sorry, I'm fine. I was just having an out-of-body experience, but I'm back." Sabrina assures him.

"Great! There you guys are." Roz says walking over them and takes a seat on the stair with them. "You will not believe the fascism at Baxter High. So, I go to get my book assignment approved from Mr. Garlan, and you know what he says? No. Rejected. Because my book has been deemed problematic."

Placing her book down besides her. Both Harvey and Aspen go to look at the title of said book.

"Wait, but The Bluest Eye is a Classic." Harvey points out.

"Exactly! No one should get to decide what we can and can't read."

"Agreed." Harvey says.

"But many countries have banned many book that's gone against their beliefs or against the government," Aspen says.

"Really?" Harvey says curiously.

"That can be discuss later, boys." Susie stops them before they get off topic. "How can we help, Roz? No, how can WICCA help? I mean that's why our club exists. We'll take the fight to Hawthorne. Right, Sabrina?"

After a moment of slight panic, Sabrina agrees to Susie's suggestion. And so the girls went to speak with their principal but only for it to be a dead end and finding out that the library was purged of more 'problematic' books. Unable to do anymore for the day, they went home, but for Sabrina her day was just getting worse.

The Spellman were charged with a breach of promise and Sabrina's aunts were strip of their powers. With Ambrose's help, Sabrina was able to find a man that could help her with her case since she was no longer able to reach for Azazel's help. She still hadn't find the witch that served him since she last saw him. It was tough trying to convince the lawyer into helping her but at the last moment just as the trial began.

The trial of Sabrina Spellman brought out unfortunate secrets from both of her aunts. Her father signing her name in the Book of the Beast and her Mother getting her baptized only days after her birth.

"These last-minute theatrics make a mockery of this court! This... is spurious, this is outrageous!" Blackwood declares holding the baptismal certificate up.

"No, I'll tell you what's outrageous, Father Blackwood." Sabrina stand up from her seat. "The Dark Lord's behavior!"

The half-witch outburst caused most of the court to gasp in horror.

"You people are so sensitive," A voice echoed out within the court. The candle lights that surrounded the room flickered on and off. Creating panic in the court. "Someone insults the Goatman and you whine like cornered mortals. Have you no shame."

"Come out and show yourself," Blackwood demands spinning around. Unable to tell who had entered and was creating such panic in the court.

"Not very nice of you," A thin male with mint hair dressed in black leather says from behind him. "Not nice at all."

"You dare come into this court room uninvited. What gives you the right to talk about our lord!" Blackwood hissed and went to approach the male only to stop when he couldn't breathe. The male had only raised a hand when Blackwood took a single step but it was enough to show off the immense power the witch had over him.

"...'what gives me the right', you say. Let me think on that. Oh yes, of course. I serve The Prince of Hell- not your Dark Lord," The male says before turning towards the witches that came to watch the trial. "My name is Nox. And as for the rest of this trial, I speak for The Prince of Hell. You may only address me as Nox. And if wish to stay alive don't ever call me by he or sir."

Release Blackwood from their spell, Nox looks to both David and Blackwood as a trapdoor sprung open. "Now gentleman, I suppose Satan has another bargain to make upon Sabrina Spellman role in all this."

Upon the three enter the private chamber, all there was left for to wait until a deal was struck. When one was finally made, Father Black present the results. Sabrina was able to continue her mortal life but was to attend the Academy of Unseen Arts. Nox was still present in til the end of the trial. But before departing, Nox had some final words.

"If you fools think this shall be the last you see of me, you are sadly mistaken. We are never gone... Also respect my pronoun as they/them or else I'm coming for your knees." With that Nox left.

I've watch too many TikToks and remembered a chain of stitch of the LGBTQ+ saying something like this but I'm no longer able to find it.

Anyway I hope I did good with my nonbinary character. Though I may change the name.

Anyway have a goodnight or day depending when this appears for you.

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