0.3 The Prince of Hell and The Witch

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Went on a rather large writing spree for this book since the last posting.
Couldn't bring myself to post the rest yet until I felt like it connected well together.
Pardon any French you might read, not very good with it.


"So... why did you summon, child," The blond asked and he walked a around a bit. Sabrina took in a deep breath still unease about the man that appeared out of nowhere.

"I want to know about the Dark Lord."

The man glanced up at her before looking at their surroundings. "Isn't the Spellman family apart of the Church of the Night? Why come to me about that arse?"

"You don't fear the consequences that usually come to those that defy he's wishes," Sabrina states. "I wanted an unbiased opinion from someone that isn't afraid."

"An unbiased opinion?" The blond repeated before snickering a bit. "Aren't you a clever little witch. Summoning the only thing the Devil tolerates to get a second opinion about him."

The Prince of Hell approached the witch, waving fingers at her familiar to shove him off the tree stump. He took the familiar's place on the stump and gesturing for the witch to ask him question. "Go on. Ask your questions."

"Why did the Dark Lord allow for my parents to be married? Was there some type of deal?"

"I am not entire aware of every detail that was apart of said deal between your parents... But yes there was a deal between them and that prick." The Prince answered. "I don't really meddle with any of his affairs with his witches but when I heard it was involving a mortal woman... Guess you could say it gained my interest."

"And those details were?"

"Nothing that I can fully put into correct context. Only grasped a portion that didn't make sense with first half, so I prefer not to give you any information until I have every detail."

"I suppose I can understand that." Sabrina closed the sketch pad and putting it back in her bag. "Can I ask you one more thing?"

The Prince looked up at her once more. "Is there a name I can call you by?"

"Keep this name to yourself and no one else. Unless they already know or they will come to an end," The Prince warns her, standing up from the stump. "Azazel."

"Azazel. I understand," The witch nods. The Prince silently walked over to her, fallen leaves crunching beneath his boots.

"Good. Oh if you ever need me again, Spellman. Witches of my own are staying in town so speak to them if you have any more questions that need to be answered." Azazel informs her. "My book is going to stay in your possession for now. I've got other obligations to attend to that are outside this town."

"I thought the book follows after you when you leave town?" She says confused.

"It does... But you were the first to ever summon me. Consider it a little gift for doing something no other done in over a hundred years," Azazel explains. "I must go now. Till then, Sabrina Spellman."

"Wait how would I know who your witch is," Sabrina asked hurriedly but it was too late. Azazel had already departed the forest, leaving the witch and her familiar wondering who might be the witch.


"Miss Spellman, I'd like you to meet our new transfer student." Mrs. Wardwell bringing the new student over to meet her. "This is Aspen Lupin. Mr. Lupin, this is Sabrina Spellman."

The Second Dark LordOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz