Chapter Thirty-Five

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I woke up with a gasp. My breathing was uneven and I was drenched in a cold sweat. Thankfully I hadn't woken up Winter, he was asleep with us arm around me to keep us warm and I was leaning my head against his head.

Yes, we are siblings and we are basically cuddling. But it's fucking freezing in this cell. No beds, no bathroom, no nothing. But a concrete floor and bars for a door. And also we are that close that we honestly don't really care at this point, each other's company is better than our own.

After a couple of minutes, I started to calm down, my breathing had turned into a small pant and I went back and rested my head on winters shoulder. "Do I have a sister?" I said to myself "Do we have a sister." I repeated to myself.

"What were you saying?" Winter said with a raspy voice, I must have woken him up while talking to myself.

"Oh, I just had a dream. Well, more memory but it was you, me and this scrawny blond boy. We were putting ink on a doorknob and it looked like our younger sister who touched the doorknob." I explained to him and he just frowned his eyebrows and looked at me like he had so many questions and was choosing which one to ask first.

"Where there any names?" He asked and I nodded in response and me looked at me to continue what I was saying.

"The blond boy we called him Steve, the young girl her name was Rebecca or Becca. I think my name was Jess and yours was Bucky or James." I told him and he nodded his head and went to ask another question. But before he could two guards came to our cell and banged their guns on the cell bars.

Winter and I got up from the ground and followed after the guards. We were brought to an office looking room. One of the guards knocked on the door and we waited for a response. "Come in." Came a muffled voice from behind the door. Winter and I walked in and the two guards stayed at the door. We stood in front of Pierce's desks and waited for him to talk.

"Today you will be going on your missions. Winter Soldier, you will be doing an assassination." He said while looking at Wint and handing him the same file from yesterday "And Strike Soldier you will do undercover work for me. I need you to get as much information as you can out of a company call shield. Hydra has been secretly growing in Shield." He said while passing me the same file from yesterday. Winter and I both nodded and went to head out. But before we could he called out "Strike Soldier. Stay back." He demanded and Winter gives me a worried glance.

"Не волнуйся. Со мной все будет хорошо, Винт, готовься к своей миссии." I reassured him and he simply nodded and left,
(Don't worry. I will be fine Wint, go get ready for your mission.)

I turned back around to Pierce and waited for him to talk. "I will be attending a meeting at shield today and I want you to come with me as an assistant. Clear." He said sternly I simply nodded and waited for him to tell me to leave "We leave in twenty minutes. Your outfit will be in the weapons room, the guards will show you. You're free to leave." He said and I turned on my heels and followed the guards to the weapons room.

The weapons room was nice, the weapons were a lot more modern than the ones in Siberia, makes me wonder how long I have been in cyro freeze. I went over to a locker that had my name on it 'Strike Soldier' I opened it to reveal a lot of hands guns and daggers. My mouth turned into an 'o' shape as I ran my fingers over the fresh blades. I released I had to get ready now so I grabbed the outfit. It was a nice black blouse and a matching black skirt that went just below mid-thigh and hugged my curves lovely.

I put on my outfit. Don't forget the weapons. I put two daggers in my thigh strap and a small handgun tucked in a small pocket under my skirt. I grabbed the black blazer that matched the outfit and walked out of the weapons room all the guards were starring at me and some even winked at me. I just rolled my eyes and kept walking to Pierce's office. I knocked on his door and waited for him to reply. "Come in." Came a muffled voice from the room.

I opened the door and saw Pierce fixing his shirt while looking in a mirror in his office. "Hand me the tie." He demanded and pointed to the tie I walked over to the table and picked up the tie and handed it to him. "Your ID card is on the table beside where the tie was." He said while finishing up his tie and putting his blazer on.

I walked over to the table and picked up the ID and put it in my blazer pocket. I also picked up the shield card so I could enter any room in the building. I pined it onto the left side of my chest. I followed after Pierce to the garage and got into the back of a black SUV beside him. "I have seen your files Soldier. Quite impressed at what your uncover work. I hope to see that work done here today." He said while getting himself a drink from a stand in front of us.

"Thank you, Sir. And I will do my best efforts today." I said emotionless and as I looked over at him with my back him straight and hands on my lap.

"Well, you better." He said and I nodded and looked ahead of me. After about five minutes or so of silence, he went to get another refill for his drink "Want some?" He asked and tilted the glass towards me. I didn't reply I just looked at him as he shrugged and poured more in his cup.

I knew what he was doing. He was teasing me, he knew I wouldn't say anything and I knew I wasn't allowed any anyways so I kept quiet and kept my head forward for the rest of the car journey. Not wanting to get me or Winter in trouble, our new handler seemed worse than Karpov. If that is even possible. I was thinking about what Winter was doing right now on his mission.

Hey everyone, I'm posted again today and I hope you enjoy this chapter. This one is really interesting. Sorry for not doing the undercover mission I have decided that will be tomorrow's chapter. Anyways...
Love you lots xoxo
Stay safe

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