Chapter Twenty-Four

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Since the mission in Texas, after the assassination of John F Kennedy, winter and I have been woken to do the mission approximately three times. Those were just simple. Go, kill, leave.

Nothing new, but this one was different. Like normal winter and I were wiped and we were given our mission. "доброе утро, солдаты." Karpov Said while placing the book on the table beside winter.
(good morning soldiers)

"готов подчиниться." We said at the same time while staring blankly into the distance.
(Ready to comply)

"У меня есть для тебя миссия. Санкционируй и Извлекай. Без свидетелей" He said and the clamps around our wrists and ankles came off.
(I have a mission for you. Sanction and remove. No witnesses.)

Thank god, they kind of get boring after a while, just go in kill them and leave. But how long have we been in there? He looks so much older. I wonder what year it is.

He passed us a file, in the file was pictures of a bag with a blue liquid in it. There was five of them lined up next to each other. They were in a black briefcase, there was no information about them or who to get them off, so I was quite confused. I just looked back up at Karpov to wait for him to tell us where to go. "Я хочу, чтобы вы поехали на Лонг-Айленд, Нью-Йорк."
(I want you to go to Long Island, New York.)

"Как мы туда доберемся?" Winter built up the courage to ask. It's quite a risk to ask questions.
(How will we get there?)

"Вы будете использовать вертолет, которым пользовались в прошлый раз. когда вы приедете туда, вас будут ждать велосипеды." He said with his head up higher than normal,
(You will use the helicopter, you used last time. when you get there there will be bikes waiting for you.)

Is he hiding something from us? Most likely.

Both me and winter headed out of the room and went to the weapons room. From there we got into our suits. I grab two daggers and put them on my left thigh strap and I got a Glock 19 and put it in my right thigh strap. My hair was still tied up from last time so I just took it out and left it down. I was going to grab my mask and googles but I hesitated and left without them.

"не взяли маску?" Winter asked me as we made our way to the helicopter,
(Not bringing your mask?)

"Я нигде не вижу твоего." I shot back at him and glanced at him, and he just looked at me with a blank face and kept walking.
(I don't see yours anywhere.)

I know it's not much but I could see that he was pissed that I said that. We don't show emotions so it's even good to get us to talk to people. I don't tend to talk to anyone but winter. Or Karpov, as I have to.

When we got into the helicopter, there was a few hydra agents in the helicopter. I didn't say anything or think anything of it. You could visibly see that there were even nervous or/and scared of me and winter. So for the fun of it, I just gave him a death stare for about an hour of the journey. His terrified face was quite amusing.

I could see out of the corner of my eye all the other agent's faces were terrified as well. Winter wasn't really paying attention, he was just staring at the ground minding his own business. After a while of staring at all of the agents for a while, I just staring at them while fiddling with my dagger.

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