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1 year later

Kuro burst into my room and I stared at him "What the hell?" I mumbled and he smiled. "I can't believe your room is so close to mine! We can sleepover all the time!" He hugged me from behind and I swatted him away.

I threw my pillows on the bed. "I got this room to sleep in. Not go over to your place." He kissed behind my ear "Then I'll come over here." I scrunched up and turned to face him. "I got this room to sleep in...by myself." I corrected and he pouted. "Can I Atleast come over here to kiss you?" He whispered and I shook my head.

"No kisses until you graduate." He put his head on my shoulder and I smiled softly. I kissed his neck and he chuckled. He picked me up and I squirmed "Kuro let me go." I pushed on him and he threw me on the bed. He crawled over me and kissed me slowly. I slapped his cheek but he didn't let up. He held my lower back and pulled me up slightly.

I kissed him back and curled my legs around his.  He smiled and moved to my neck. "Kuro, stop. My parents are bringing stuff from the car." He kissed under my ear "Okay?" He whispered and looked in my eyes. "I haven't seen you in weeks, let me have this." I kneed his stomach and he curled up beside me. "Aww cheap shot." The door opened and I wiped my mouth.

Kuro sat up and my mom set a box of clothes on the floor. She walked over to me and kissed my forehead. Kuro looked horrified and I slapped him slightly "Me and your dad have to go before traffic gets bad, be safe." I nodded and the door shut behind her. "God knock it off." I turned to him. He pouted and grabbed my face, wiping my forehead. "I'm the only one that gets to kiss you." He kissed my nose and rubbed the side of my face. I pushed him. "You idiot, it's my mom. That's different."

He smiled and slipped his hands under my shirt. My ears felt hot and I pressed my lips together. "Why are you so horny?" I mumbled and crossed my arms. He pulled me onto his lap and kissed my collarbone. "I love you." He said quietly and I glanced down at him. "You can't break me that easily." I scoffed and he smiled. "Really? I can't?" I shook my head and puffed my chest out. He threw my on my back and started to tickle my sides.

I bit my top lip and tried to focus on something else. "Please stop." I barely got out for curling up. He put a hand on the back of my head and let a soft kiss on my lips "No." he tickled the back of my neck and I laughed softly. He smiled brightly and I rolled onto my stomach. "Kuro stop." I laughed and squirmed around. He grabbed me and all that was left was a smile on my face.

He pushed the hair out of my eyes and admired me. He threw me down against and stood up on my bed "Why are you so cute?" He whined and I sat up, leaning on my hands. He leaned down and cupped my face. "Like look at you, you're so perfect. Look at your tiny hands and your soft hair." He lifted my hand up and held it tightly.

My face felt hot and he looked in my eyes. "I love you." Gio hopped up onto the bed and curled up on my lap. I pushed Kuro away. "Don't you dare." I mumbled and he picked gio up, running to the corner of the room. I ran after him and kicked his shins. "He chose me, you can't just take him. You have coco."

I took him back and Kuro leaned down, grabbing my chin. "Give him back." He said in a voice he usually didn't talk to me in. I held gio close and looked in his eyes. "In your dreams." He pulled my face up. "Kenma..." he muttered and I stared at him. I let gio down and he ran under the bed. There was a knock at the door and kuro let go.

I watched him for a second before opening the door. "Yeah?" I saw Bokuto and Akaashi was standing behind him. "His Kuroo here?" I opened the door fully and glared at Kuro. "Your boyfriends are here" I pointed to them and leaned against the doorway. Kuro smiled and grabbed his phone off the table. He grabbed me a short kiss "Bye kitten." He ran off with Bokuto and I smiled softly as I shut the door.

Kuros pov:

I pulled my phone out and showed it to Bokuto. "Look, I think Kenma would kill me if he knew I took this."

Akaashi peered over Bokuto shoulder and stifled a laugh

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Akaashi peered over Bokuto shoulder and stifled a laugh. "That's cute." He mumbled and Bokuto scooted the phone back to me. I smiled and admired the picture. "Damn Youre really into him." Bokuto said and I looked up "Shouldn't I?" He shrugged and played with the straw in his drink. Akaashi smacked him on the back of the head.

I smiled and Akaashi rolled his eyes. "He doesn't know the first thing about love. Don't listen to this idiot." I laughed and Bokuto glared at him "And you still date me." Akaashi shrugged "Eh, you've got some benefits." "Oh like my d-" Akaashi glared at him and Bokuto stopped talking immediately. "Anyways, have you talked to Mei lately, I mean she's partially responsible that you two got together." I shook my head "Not since she moved."

I stood up and Bokuto looked up at me "Where the hell do you think your going?" I smiled "I have to feed coco." Bokuto waved me off and Akaashi waved softly.

I walked back to the dorms and knocked on Kenma door as I walked towards mine. He poked his head out "Get over here." He mumbled and I looked back.

God he's cute.

His hair was half up and he had a big hoodie on. I walked over and hugged him softly. "I love you." I whispered and kissed the top of his head. He wrapped his arms around my waist and led me into the room. "Stay for a while." He said quietly and I smiled "I thought you didn't want me sleeping over."

He looked back "I never told you to sleep over." I sat beside him at the desk and watched him play a game. I slid my hand under his and he held it gently. I looked at his tiny fingers and leaned over, rested my head on his arm.

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