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A year later

I found out that kitty was actually a girl, so I called her a him for about two months.

I sat at my computer and played a game. Kitty laid in my lap and Kuroo leaned on the back of my chair. "Ohh what are you playing?" I ignored him and kitty woke up, stretching. Her back arched and she crawled onto my desk, standing infront of my computer for a few seconds. She eventually laid down and slept peacefully.

I heard Kuroo shuffling behind me and he pulled my chair away. He stood infront of me and I glared at him. "Get out of the way." I muttered and he looked shocked "You didn't say anything when the cat got in your way." "She has a name." I retorted and kicked his leg. "Now move bed head." Kuro stuck his tongue out and I scooted my chair up to the desk. Kuroo sat on the floor beside me and I looked down after awhile.

He was passed out and I picked kitty up. "He's so stupid." I muttered and kitty meowed, almost as if to agree with me. She purred and I walked downstairs. She happily cling onto my shoulder and I held her with my left arm. I drank some water and scrolled through my phone. Kuroo walked into the kitchen half asleep and kitty jumped onto the counter. She sat and looked at Kuro.

Kuroo pet her and she purred softly. Both me and Kuros eyes widened and I looked between them. Kuro looked down at kitty and tried to pet her again and she hissed. I held back a laugh and he leaned against the counter "She doesn't like me." He said, disheartened.

"Do you really need approvals from a cat?" He nodded and I walked over to him. I put my hands on his face and squished his cheeks "Youre such a baby." I picked kitty up and brought her up to my room.

Kuro walked in behind me and we both played with kitty on the bed. Or we'll I played with kitty and Kuro just watched. Kitty chased my finger as I dragged it along the bed.

I laughed softly when he caught it and started to chew on my hand. "You have such a pretty laugh." Kuro said softly and I looked up. "What?" My expression wiped off my face and he smiled "Nothing."

A few weeks later

I walked around the house and turned it upside down looking for kitty. "Kitty." I mumbled in the living room and she didn't run to me. I looked around and looked under my desk, her favorite spot to sleep. "Kitty?" I said under my bed and she wasn't there. I picked up my phone and called Kuro. "I can't find kitty." I mumbled and pulled my legs up to my chest

"I'm sure she's just sleeping somewhere, cats like to hide." He said in a sigh and I shook my head "No, I can't find her, she usually comes out by now." I was starting to get worried and Kuro let out a short chuckle "She might be outside, maybe she went on an adventure." I looked out my window.

"What if she doesn't come back?" "She will, she's attached to you Kenma. Do you want me to come over?" I bit the inside of my mouth "No, I'm fine." "Alright call me if you need me." I hummed in response and hung up. I hurried downstairs and walked into my backyard. I left a piece of ham outside and sat down beside it.

"Kitty." I whispered and waited patiently. The sun started to set and my mom slid the door open "Come inside before the mosquitos get you." I looked down at the ant ridden ham and looked out into the forest behind my house.

"I'm waiting for kitty." My mom smiled "She'll come back, but there's no use in waiting for her out here." I slowly got up and glanced over my shoulder. I walked inside and tiredly ate my dinner.

Kitty ~ KurokenDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora