Bandtrees Backstory

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Btw I do make Connor and Zoe close and Connor never started doing drugs because I sort of want all my characters to be happy

Btw I do make Connor and Zoe close and Connor never started doing drugs because I sort of want all my characters to be happy

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Oops I spelled his name wrong!

Evan and Zoe first started dating in high school, Evan was a senior and Zoe was a junior. They split up when Evan went away to college but still remained friends. Both of them ended up in different relationships. 2 years after Zoe started dating a guy named Isaiah Hogeland.

Zoe did not have a happy relationship with Isaiah. Nobody in the Murphy family liked him either. They fought all the time, arguments often started over little things too. He wasn't putting as much effort into the relationship as she did. He never wanted to do anything with her. Once she moved in, he stopped doing anything around the apartment.

He proposed after only 6 months and although she obviously wasn't happy, she stayed with him. All her friends/family were trying to talk her out of marrying him. Even the night before the wedding, she was talking to Connor about it and crying about how she didn't think she should go through with it. He didn't really know what to say to her about it, even though he was one of the people trying to talk her out of marrying Isaiah. She pulled herself together and went through with it the next day. Well, almost, she left him at the altar. They had the reception anyway since it was already paid for.

Now let's move on to Evan and Monika. If you thought Isaiah was bad, Monika is 1000x worse. So 1 year after going away to college, Evan met Monika Wynn. Monika was absolutely awful. She hated most aspects of his personality, claiming they were dumb and embarrassing, acted embarrassed to be seen in public with him, and didn't take any of his mental health problems seriously, despite the fact she was making them worse.

She also distanced him from his friends, especially Alana and Zoe because they were women. She made him quit his waiter job at Olive Garden so he wouldn't talk to other women,  he got a new job working as a dishwasher in a crappy diner, but she was pissed off he wasn't making as much money so she couldn't drain his bank account as much as she usually did.

Monika never let any mistakes he made go, she always used them against him. She nagged him to propose for months despite the fact he wasn't ready to marry her and he ended up proposing 4 months in. As you can all guess, many people were begging him not to marry her, including Monika's father and sister, Beatrice. Even her some of own friends thought Evan deserved better than her.

She hated Heidi for seemingly no reason at all, and was also ruining Evan's relationship with her too. Heidi didn't like her much either, obviously. It took him 3 months to convince her to let him invite Heidi, (literally his own fucking mother, what is wrong with this bitch), Jared, Connor, Zoe, and Alana.

He didn't get to pick his own groomsmen either, she made him have her brother, Kane, and 3 of her male cousins, Ronan, Leo, and John. She got pissed off at him for wanting Jared to be his best man instead and wanting Connor in the wedding party too. Connor was kicked out by her for no reason at all. She didn't let Evan have Jared as his best man and forced him to have Kane as the best man.

She was also a huge bridezilla of course. He couldn't afford the crazy expensive wedding she wanted so she made her parents pay for it. This would've maybe been fine if she didn't then go tell everyone that Evan was too broke to afford everything she wanted and it was like he didn't even care about her.

Unfortunately, he did go through with marrying her, the wedding was absolutely awful. Everyone could see how unhappy he was, she kept bitching and him and the staff, screamed at Beatrice for apologizing to him on her behalf after she yelled at him over Ronan being late, something that wasn't his fault, and took 3 hours to get ready.
Evan almost said no at the altar, and when he
accidentally stepped on her dress at the reception, she absolutely lost it on him, and started screaming about everything she hated about him and the relationship, he ended up leaving even though it was only 20 minutes into the reception, she just had it without him.

They were only married for 2 1/2 months. She continued doing everything she did in the relationship. She had torn down all his friendship, and ruined his relationship with Heidi. She complained about him to her friends and family all the time despite the fact all the problems in the marriage were her own fault. One day when they got into an argument, he ran out of the apartment and never looked back.

He ended up going to Heidi's house and just told her everything that happened, she was just glad he finally left her because she was awful. He got his old job back and got his own place after a month or so, repaired all the relationships Monika destroyed, and got back together with Zoe, and now, 1 year later, they're getting married.

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