Gary Route: Episode 2 Choice B

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I glanced at Gary's friendly smile as he held up the umbrella for me to see. The feelings that were stirring in me in the presence of this oddly mature guy were kind of freaking me out though and suddenly the idea of cooling my head under the rain didn't seem so bad after all.

"That is incredibly kind of you to offer, Gary," I said with an awkward smile. "But I'll be fine."

Gary cocked one eyebrow up as he looked down at me with obvious skepticism. "You sure about that? It's a big umbrella," Gary said cajolingly.

I could feel my cheeks heating up as I imagined myself underneath Gary's umbrella. Just the two of us. Shaking my head firmly at the image I backed a step away and forced myself to smile up at him.

"No, no, I couldn't impose. Thank you so much though." As I met Gary's eyes an unexpected smirk quirked the left corner of his lips up and he lifted the umbrella and tapped his shoulder with it as he looked at me.

"So you're saying your embarrassment is enough to make you brave that downpour instead of spending a few minutes under the same umbrella as me?" he asked bluntly and my mouth dropped open in mortified shock.

"N... I mean... Of course not... but..." I stammered ridiculously as I tried to come up with an excuse but Gary laughed and reached out to pat my head.

"Calm down, kid. Here," Gary said while shoving his umbrella into my hands. "I've still got some readings to do around here so I'll just wait out the rain."

"What? I couldn't..." I tried to refuse as I held the umbrella back out to him but he had already turned his back on me and started walking towards the entrance of the gym challenge area.

"Don't worry about returning it," he said casually over his shoulder before one of the gym workers opened the door for him without question and allowed him into the gym challenge area.

My shoulders drooped as he disappeared from view and I could help but let out a deep sigh.

"Well done, Sayuri," I muttered to myself as I slowly began to unwind the umbrella in my hands. "Now he thinks I've got a crush on him," I muttered darkly as I walked over to the doors and stepped out into the street, huddled underneath the large umbrella.

Sayuri never does get the chance to return Gary's umbrella. She only sees him in passing as she goes through her gym challenge and even though he struck up a conversation with her, he was always quick to leave. Sayuri eventually gave up on her girlish crush on Gary and focused fully on her gym challenge.

Gary Route Bad Ending

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