I miss you already

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this will include suicide and cutting
and this isn't really langst it's just an idea I thought of

Dear Keith,

I'm sorry, I know you wouldn't want me to do this, but I did it anyway, I couldn't take the pain, it's too much to handle, my eyes felt so heavy from the tears I've been holding in, all I ever wanted was to be happy, and to be loved, but instead I got shouted at for the smallest mistakes I made, I was told that no one will like if I'm like this, if I'm myself, I got told to kill myself, so I did. I'm sorry baby. All I want now,is for you to continue to live even if I'm not there. I hope you find someone better then me and someone who can love you better the I did. I just want you to be happy. Please. Do it for me. Just so you know, I'll love you from the bottom of my heart, and I always will, please to continue to live for me.

Lots of love,

Keiths eyes was like the ocean. Tears just kept falling down uncontrollably. He begged that it was a sick joke. He didn't want his love to be murdered by himself. He couldn't take it in. Keith felt like his whole world shattered into a million pieces, Keith loved Lance so much. He felt like there was no reason to live when he's not there. When Lance Mcclain was not there. But he wanted to do the one thing Lance would want him to do. To continue to live. No matter how hard it would be, he would do it to make lance happy in heaven. Keith ran to their bedroom and then he saw it.

Lance's dead body.

Lance laid there not moving or breathing. There was endless amount of blood around him all coming out of his wrist.
He was gone.
Lance was gone forever.

word count: 334

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