The Blah Blah Bit !!!

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1. Please note that despite using music in general order, I will move the release dates around to work better with the continuity of the story- please don't post that it came out the year before etc!! I know but go with it, eh?
Thanks x

2. Also, there will be drug use / misuse & sexual scenes and mentions of suicide mentioned in this story I'm not going to warn the chapters unless it's particularly graphic, as I've put the warning here and on the book; so readers discretion.

3. The  following story is not an accurate depiction of events or of the real individuals mentioned in this story- I do not own the individuals, their music etc.

3. Original characters are created by me, and any likeness to someone is just coincidental.

4. Please do not copy my work anywhere, firstly it sucks and secondly I will find out; someone always tells the writer!!

5. Be kind, give the story time to build & it's not all done in reflection just.... yeah, I'm sure you'll get the idea. Anyway, onward!!!

Thought it might be helpful to put a general who's who:

OC: Juliet Street
Alex Turner
Matt Helders
Jamie Cook
Nick O'Malley
Liam Gallagher
Damon Albarn
Lennon Gallagher
Gene Gallagher
Johnny Marr
Noel Gallagher
Morrissey (mentioned)
OC: Don (Donal) Street- Juliet's dad
OC: Johanna Street - Juliet's mum
OC: Jude Street: Juliet's older brother
Amy Winehouse
Carl Barat- The Libertines
Pete Doherty- The Libertines
Alex James- Blur
Bonehead- Oasis
Guigsy- Oasis
Peggy Gallagher
Harry Styles- One Direction
Louis Tomlinson- One Direction
Niall Horan- One Direction
Liam Payne- One Direction

Other people real & OC will appear.

Remember this is not a true reflection of them , their characters or personalities.

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